Is it normal that i think rape is no big deal?

Let me preface this by saying I am a male, who fantasies about rape, but would not ever carry out such an act for fear of both a guilty conscience and getting busted.

That said, I'm trying to understand why people, especially women, act like being forced to have sex is so horrible?

Granted, I understand it's not fair, and you are taking away their choice, their consent, and violating their body and their rights, I understand that.

I am not trying to make light of the subject of rape or suggest that it can't scar you emotionally.

With that said... unless you absorbed a lot of physical violence (which isn't the type of rape I'm talking about) GET OVER IT.

Rape is such a taboo subject, you almost never see it in movies or on TV, especially not graphic rape, and when you do it's very brief. But on the other hand movie makers have no problem shows people brutally murdered.

I think society make too big of a deal on rape. In the USA being convicted of one count of rape you can serve up to 25 years with the average being 6 years? On top of that you will be forced to register as a sex offender and have Class A felony on your record. Can anybody sincerely tell me that's not an overtly harsh penalty for penetrating a woman's vagina who is unwilling?

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46% Normal
Based on 291 votes (135 yes)
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Comments ( 135 )
  • TerryVie

    you know, anal prostate stimulation is generally seen as intensily positive and sexual act across men of all genders.

    It's part of sex play as well as medicinal or massage elements, and some men even had a physical orgasm against their will from prostate stimulation.

    So yes, unless i get to exactly choose the partner, it's quite exactly the same thing. So go ahead and think about how great it would be to be anally raped yourself by someone strong enough you can't fight back, that will cause you pain if you try to fight, possibly kill you after the deed, and leave you bleeding in the gutter. Sounds fun, hu?

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    • TerryVie

      men of all genders being "men of all sexual orientations", of course.
      Too late to edit, so i add it via reply.

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    • Problem with that is I am A) Describing straight rape. B) Rape using minimal force required to subdue a particular victim and C) Not a minor, all of which people have conveniently discarded as if I didn't make it perfectly clear in my initial post.

      And to your last comment, few are that strong and no one will try, people shoot for weak prey. so I guess in that regard I can't understand what it's like to be vulnerable like a woman.

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      • TerryVie

        "Granted, I understand it's not fair, and you are taking away their choice, their consent, and violating their body and their rights, I understand that."

        It's not your choice WHO you are raped by. It is, by definition, a forceful sexual act by a unwanted perpetrator. There is no "straight" rape. Thats merely a descriptive term to define genders. Rape is Rape. Wether it's a man raping a women, a man a man, a women a man or a woman a woman.
        Still, if you are unable to understand, lets make it a straight rape scenario. So, a obese 50+year old woman who's only child was raped and killed developed a habit: She's drugging you in her cafe(she works there), then ties you up in her cellar and repeatedly penetrates you with her strap-on, possibly contemplating aloud wether she should just slit your throat and feed you to her dogs. That feel better in your mind? It's all straight, it's about control, she uses little force, so, you can enjoy that?

        If you fail to understand that what HAPPENS when you are raped is no less humiliating, painful, and awful if the rapist is of the gender you usually prefer, then you don't understand what you are talking about at all.

        All the same it makes little difference how much force is used. Wether you break an arm or just threaten to slit your victims throat does not make the act any less despicable. Suffocating a sleeping child with a pillow is no less severe a murder than hunting it down with an axe. Murder is murder, the violence is just an extra. Same with rape.

        I did not refer to a minor. As Angel aptly said, rape is in large parts about control. I _HOPE_ you just have those beliefs because you feel nobody out there could control you, and your lack of vulnerability and a lack of empathy combine to an inability of understanding how things affect other people.

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      • Scarredlilartistchick

        Hi, I'm Kat, I'm 15, I was raped by four men when I was eight, I also had a VERY abusive father, verbally, emotionally, and physically. Let me just say that being raped is a HUGE deal. I can't believe you would take it so lightly. What gives you the right to? Your a man who's never experienced it and you couldn't imagine the pain, the shame, the self hate, the helplessness, and vulnerability, so just SHUT UP. Because you have NO idea what your talking can't imagine how HORRIBLE it is to have your body taken from you. And it doesn't matter what age it is, or the circumstances. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE SOMETGUBG SO LIGHTLY?!!!! I didn't even know what sex was when I was raped. It REALLY REALKY REALLY hurt, emotionally more so than physically, and considering what I went through, that's saying a lot. And many rapist arnt silent while doing it. Mine weren't. They were laughing and growling and calling my names and telling me to shut up because I liked it because I was a little whore...I was eight..I was on my way to my friends house to play dolls..I was VERY lucky to get away. I thought they were going to kill me, and frankly I wanted them to, I didn't know when it was going to end and it felt like it never was, I didn't think I was going to get away. I was terrified. I cried and yelled for them to stop. They tried to force me to look at them, I couldn't look away to I closed my eyes shut tight and thought about my mother and my brother and how I'd never see them again. and for you to act like being raped is no big deal, makes you a monster in my eyes. Know that I am still just a little girl, who's living with this memory, I have severe night terrors having to relieve it. After your raped it still hurts for months going to the bathroom, I never told my mom. And don't say it's no big deal, don't tell me to get over it, because you can't imagine the pain. Your body feels gross, you've been humiliated, taken against your will. You don't CHOOSE who rapes you. They don't tell you don't worry I'm not gonna kill you. It tears the skin of your vagina bc your not libricated, and they aren't gentle with you. I could go on for hours and describe it but your a worthless peice of shit who probably wouldn't care. It's not brief at all. They don't care how much it's hurting. You aren't a person anymore, at least not to them. Then At 8 years old, I had tangled golden curls and a smile as wide as the ocean, I smiled and laughed a lot. even tho I was abused by my dad, I was a happy kid always looking on the bright side, I never considered myself pretty, but after that day it was impossible. When someone compliments me I want to scream and cry bc I feel discustibg. I was Trusting everything and everyone with my huge open heart. I loved people. I loved the world. Everything was beautiful. Even with my horribly abusive Dad I still could see the silver lining, because I tried with all my might to. He was horrible to me, so All I ever wanted was people and the world to love me back. I feel alone a lot and like no one cares. No one knew what happened or why I was that way because I was so ashamed of it and though if anyone knew they wouldn’t love me, or they'd blame me. my mom would ask y I didn't wanna play outside anymore. To say I felt lonely growing up would be an understatement. There were many days I told people I wish I were dead due to the shame I felt. I never understood why this would happen to me, an innocent child who just wanted to love everyone. Why would someone take this innocence and abuse it emotionally and physically? It wasn’t until 14 years after that day I started to open up about it. It's hard to want to cry when people look at you. To feel the need to constantly cover your body. I still feel worthless, mainly bc of my father, I lived with his abuse until last year. I'm no loner outgrowing and trusting. I don't feel deserving of kindness. My dad called me ugly, fat, worthless, a whore (again I was a child so...) a fucked ip problem, he said he'd ship me away in a box and sell me. He said I shouldn't have been born. I'm not seeing a therapist bc my mom thinks that dwelling on your feelings is unhealthy..this means I never get to come to terms with them..she's called me selfish for trying to open up to her one time...when someone gives me a gift, I want to cry. I want to give it back bc I don't feel deserving. I dread holidays. I hate myself all the time. Your right. Rape is no big deal.

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      • Java

        If you think it's SO sexy, carry out that FANTASY with somebody using a safe word. I used to think rape was no big deal too (I'm a girl), and I also used to think murder was no big deal. But then I dropped my overly huge, fat-ass ego and thought logically. I put myself into somebody else's shoes.

        Try it sometime, that's basically what the stupid book To Kill a Mockingbird was about - putting yourself in somebody else's shoes.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    "That said, I'm trying to understand why people, especially women, act like being forced to have sex is so horrible?"

    Because you're thinking of sex from your own body's point of view and not from a woman's point of view.

    And you've read an article or two where women have confessed to having an orgasm during rape. So therefore that means they liked it right?

    What you're overlooking is this.

    Rapists use pain, force, fear, and the threat of death or even worse pain, or damage to get their victims to comply. They do NOT try to get their victims juiced up and horny first. They don't care if the victim is ready or not.

    Women need to be prepared first. Some need more & some need less before the vaginal canal is wet and expanded enough to allow for penetration. Thrusting in too soon will hurt. This can include internal damage depending on how hard he is thrusting.

    Now you also claimed some women "liked" it because they came. That's a fallacy. Having an orgasm during rape just means that your body worked as it's suppose to. It doesn't imply that she suddenly became willing.

    And of course, you're perhaps assuming rapists will just hump the victim a bit and leave. Not always. Some rapists don't stop with their first orgasm. Or care whether or not the victims require medical help. Or even let them live.

    Not to mention that rapists target people who may be helpless to escape. Such as children, elderly, etc.

    And the major part you're forgetting is... rape really isn't about sex. it's about control. and achieving that control through pain and torture.

    and you wonder why it's such a big thing...

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    • Aleks85

      Talk about going off topic, did you read my original post. You mentioned all the things in this particular post that I excluded! Excessive violence beyond restraint. There are levels of degree in rape stated by the law.

      And rape is not about sex? Where did you get that, that's some psycho-babble bullshit. When I think about rape, and I put myself in the shoes of a rapist... I think about getting to get it in with beautiful young women without having to do any ground work. I don't think about power.

      I already know men over power women physically, that's kind of a given.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Calling it psychobabble does not magically make it incorrect.

        That's just an attempt to ignore the truth and replace it with your own misconceptions.

        Besides you've completely ignored my other post detailing that rape isn't just man on woman, but can be any gender on any gender.

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  • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

    This makes me sad. I can't even begin to comprehend how someone could think like this of such a thing..

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    • Captain_Kegstand


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  • cookiesaregreat

    A family member of mine was actually raped, 2 years ago.

    She was only 16 at that moment, as a 28 year old man sneaked inside her house while the family slept, and raped her in her own bedroom.

    She stopped going to school, and her family had to move because she was too scared to sleep anymore.

    The man who did it lived only a few streets away at that moment. He hadn't been send to jail, because the girl was too scared to tell the police who it was.

    She never goes outside the house, because she's scared she'll run into him and everything will happen all over again. She doesn't have any friends anymore, and only trusts her family.

    Basically, her whole life now runs only on fear. Fear of men, fear of the outside world. Actually fear of everything.

    Yeah, rape is no big deal.

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    • coolio75650932

      you know who he is? BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM MAN

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      • cookiesaregreat

        She doesn't want to tell anyone of my family who it is, only that we know this person, and that he lived a few streets away. She's too ashamed to tell us any more.

        Believe me, if I knew who did it, he'd be dead by now.

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    • Sorry to hear that. But we don't know the details of the rape. I don't want to pry but it sounds like it may have been a lot more damaging because it wasn't strictly vaginal rape. She's also a minor.

      If you look up rape penalty there are different levels just like murder. Obviously against a minor is one of the worst offenses, it also takes into account how violent the assault was (1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree etc.)

      My apologies if my title gave the wrong impression, I was kinda hurrying to get to my post.

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      • Java

        "details of rape"

        "also a minor"

        Sir, I'm sorry for being so immature but you are retarded!

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  • anti-hero

    Bend over and I will show you what the 'big deal' is...

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    • Iamgoingtokillyou

      thank you.

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    • coolio75650932

      *bends over*

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      • anti-hero

        You would.

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        • coolio75650932

          lol i allready did >:3 so whats the big deal? *stands back up with a newly found loony* i found a doller (yes im canadian)

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    • That would hardly be the same thing unless the victim happened to be a gay male, try again.

      Vaginal intercourse is meant to be pleasurable not painful. In fact, there have been several accounts of women stating after the fact that they liked it and even some stating they had a physical orgasm.

      Also, because of my fascination with the subject I have attended rape message boards, and I suppose you would be surprised to know the community has a large number of women.

      Granted it's fantasy, but one could conclude that is only a result of a safety issue -- i.e. Would a real rape encounter be physically violent or even fatal.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Actually no. Although my original reply was about male-on-female rape since that was your main theme it isn't always that.

        Men can rape other men. Women can rape men. Women can also rape other women too.

        It can be rape from overpowering someone else. Or it can also be rape from taking advantage of someone else's inability to say "no" - use of drugs/alcohol, physical disability or inability to fight back, a fear from fighting back*, age-related seduction.

        * that one's not mentioned a lot really. First off men wouldn't like to admit that a woman was beating them up. Second, the moment he "fights back" ... society & the law will pin him as the aggressor and her as the "victim".

        So woman-on-male abuse & rape largely goes unreported. Most likely he won't be believed. Or he'll be made fun of.

        And at any rate - again, just because you have an orgasm does not mean you consented. Your body doesn't always obey your mind.

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      • anti-hero

        Have you forgotten mental pain?

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        • Aleks85

          Have I forgotten it? No I live it. But i can't send god or who or what is responsible for my creation to prison for it.

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          • anti-hero

            You would be the one making it by being a rapist.

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            • Aleks85

              Are you trying to usher me into being a rapist? Cause that's not making a good case. I want people to feel what I feel... but I digress, women are safe from me until I lose hope.

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  • dom180

    "it's not fair, and you are taking away their choice, their consent, and violating their body and their rights"

    Tell me again how this is anything other than a big deal? And how that suddenly becomes okay in your mind so long as they feel physical pleasure?

    I'll explain what I think is going on in your mind. You're into forced sex. I won't demonise that; everyone has their turn-ons and you can't help them. What's happened to you is that by fantasising about it you've become desentsitised to the pain of the rape victim. Why do you think rape isn't shown graphically on mainstream media? It's to stop more people becoming desensitised to it like you are.

    You talk about some women "enjoying it". While their bodies may suggest they are enjoying it, that does not mean they are not psychologically scarred. People are complex; what their bodies involuntarily suggest does not strictly indicate what they feel. You fail to distinguish between physical and psychological pleasure, and you also fail to distinguish between physical and psychological trauma. Physical pain is not required to feel psychological pain and visa versa. The reason I don't think you see this is the same reason why you don't think it's a big deal: you're desensitised.

    Also, what Angel says about rape being about control and not sex is absolutely true. It's the reason why rape against men is really no different than rape against women; it's all about the theft of power, from one person to another. It's why people can't just "get over it"; because it isn't about the pain, or the sex with someone you didn't choose. It's about someone else making the choice to do whatever they want to you, whether you like it or not, and no matter how hard you try you're not going to escape, no matter how much you beg it won't make a difference, and for no reason better than because you were randomly selected. More people need to that realise that is the main problem with rape. A few seconds of physical pleasure you didn't even want and felt in spite of yourself are nothing, NOTHING compared to that loss of power and control over the only thing you'll own for life: your own body.

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    • Java

      "You fail to distinguish between physical and psychological pleasure, and you also fail to distinguish between physical and psychological trauma."

      I'd like to make a pagan church dedicated to you.

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  • NoraBaker

    So you found it unfortunate we wouldn't give you a serious answer. Very well. I hadn't done so simply because I found your proposition idiotic and did not wish to waste minutes of my life on your twisted logic. As a rule, I have no interest in debating with anyone who lacks empathy. But to address your topic, chop a woman's leg off and she'll recover, adapt, and start living with her new prosthetic leg in no time, but don't fucking rape her. It destroys her soul.

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    • flutterhigh

      For the sake of my sanity, I am choosing to believe it's a troll.

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      • Nope just an apathetic soul with a bit of a rape fetish I suppose.

        But please stop talking down at me like im a callous monster as if I'm confessing to being a rapist. Never that.

        As soon as I get enough replies I will gladly take off my anonymity mask if people would like.

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        • flutterhigh

          A username is still an anonymity mask. But do what you like.

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          • Aleks85

            My face is here at this site. I think that's pretty close to as interpersonal as I can get with you people.

            Although I am not trolling I am really intrigued to see all the negative responses I get to my thoughts and stories.

            I also wrote another that wasn't perceived well about a dom/sub relationship I had.

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            • JustDave

              It's amazing how responses (negative or otherwise) can give a false sense of relevance to an otherwise insignificant life.

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    • That's funny, you could ask a thousand women if they'd rather have their leg cut off or a strange man come in and fuck her and 100% would say they'd rather get fucked by a stranger. No wonder you didn't give a serious answer you're way off base.

      Yeah my middle name is apathy but that don't mean I don't recognize and acknowledge the feelings of others.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        I'd rather lose my leg. I could get a prosthetic leg, learn to walk and run again. It wouldn't affect my ability to do art. And having been raped more than once, I'll take a long physical recovery after a long psychological recovery. I'm still not the same and don't know if I ever quite will be.

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      • NoraBaker

        Hey, as I see it, ask that question (worded properly as to indicate it is a random stranger forcefully fucking them) to a thousand women, and 100% will say NEITHER.

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        • Aleks85

          All I can say to that is you're full of shit.

          I'd let a man rape me in the ass before I'd accept losing a leg. And I'm straight as an arrow.

          We need somebody with a missing leg to come in here and beat your with their prosthetic limb for your dishonesty.

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          • NoraBaker

            Haha you're funny.

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          • Iamgoingtokillyou

            no problem, I can set that up.

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      • Iamgoingtokillyou

        just the fact that you had to compare rape to having your leg cut off, suggests that you do get what a big deal it is. What your looking for is justification. Not explanation. You didn't say, rape or a date, you didn't say, rape or a boyfriend, you didn't say, rap or being mugged, you picked something on the far end of the horrific scale, which suggests you do understand how sever the threat has to be to get them to obey like obedient animals.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I really think you're mixing this up with Role-Playing (BDSM). In a real life situation, consent isn't given and it is very serious.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Men can also be raped- stiffy and all. The reason it's so taboo is because it is indeed not pleasurable- even if a physical orgasm is present. It's classified violent for it's bodily intrusiveness. Violence does not have to leave bruises. The penetration and restraint is as violent as a child being struck and not bruised.

    As for "WhyI'm trying to understand why people, especially women, act like being forced to have sex is so horrible?"
    You couldn't really understand fully if it hasn't happened to you.
    Imagine a really big lady with zits on her ass and face and a a shit stain on her pants. Now imagine she drugged you with viagra, you've just popped a woody, and she's jumping on top of you- saggy tits exposed and all.
    Now, you're unable to get the bitch off of you. You're screaming bloody murder, nobody can hear you, and she's saying in your ear "If you ever tell anybody I'll kill you."
    Now tell me you wouldn't wish God strike her dead to make her stop.

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    • Java


      Sorry, this is serious. But nice example, I can't wait to see OP's reply.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      That story is going to give me nightmares tonight, I swear. XD

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    • Aleks85

      Cute story, but I never talked about getting raped by an ogre, any more than I said anything about gay rape, or child molestation.

      I'm mostly trying to understand why rape requires such a harsh penalty.

      I'm not buying the whole psychological damage personally. Maybe it's because I'm already psychologically damaged.

      But certainly I've been through enough hardships in life to be able to say "Get the fuck over it" in regards to rape.

      Women are pathetically weak if psychological damage is their excuse for such a harsh penalty in my opinion.

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      • coolio75650932

        i rape many women a day and since i wear a mask,thick condom,gloves,shave my pubic hairs,dye my hair,have a big white van thats sound resistant inside and out,and a pistol just in case. there ya go thats how i dont get caught

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  • L3viathan

    I haven;t read all of the comments, just the top few, but there seems to be some confusion about the seriousness of this crime in your mind. Either that, or bias has clouded your human empathy.

    Firstly, we're not talking about fantasy, we're talking about actuality. Therefore the fantasy is irrelevant, and focus must shift on actual cases. I'm not going to bore you with stories, as it would be pointless.

    A lack of empathy for the psychological and/or physical suffering of another human being is a form of psychopathy. People who function according to societies rules need empathy, and as a species, we have used it as a tool to aid our evolution and survival. We need to procreate, which is undoubtably a deep need. Your post doesn't betray a love of the power of rape (where the perpetrator may regret their crime immediately afterwards), but does betray a refusal to acknowledge or understand the psychological consequences on the psyche of the victim, and as such, is a little more dangerous.

    We also need to group together to survive. That need is as deep, and has ensured our survival. We are sociable animals. Without that sociability, we would die, and those born without that kind of empathy (outside of a battle situation) have been ostracized from society. The evolutionary rule is that if you cannot function within a species parameters, you do not deserve to be a part of it.

    This is not an emotional stance. It's a logical evolutionary one.

    Using this logic, and the apparent willful lack of understanding (albiet biased because of your 'friend'), I see your reasoning as utterly flawed on the deepest human levels.

    I hope your views evolve with time, as in this case, I cannot regard you as a properly functioning member of the human race.

    I also doubt my comment will stay, but I didn't insult you intentionally, just stated facts.

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    • L3viathan

      I notice no reaction from you to this.

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    • Aleks85

      I try to avoid comments where I disagree wholeheartedly, or they go completely off topic.

      I lack empathy because I think rape laws are too strict?

      You could have said that in one sentence.

      I'm talking about one issue, basically. How can we justify that this particular crime commands such severe punishment>?

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      • L3viathan

        So you avoid comments that you disagree with, how can it be a discussion then?

        If it's not a discussion about ALL the issues, then it becomes an ego trip, subject to the same observable lack of empathy. And yes, it appears to me from this discussion that you do lack empathy with rape victims.

        None of my comments were off topic, as they dealt with the issues logically and rationally. I will explain in greater detail should you feel the need.

        Also, you cannot limit the discussion to just 'one issue, basically', as there are many knock on effects. That's why things like victim impact statements are important, as they need to be taken into account when choosing a suitable punishment.

        The reasons why we can justify the punishment are manifold in this discussion, and do not need to be reiterated by me. The evolutionary/sociological aspect wasn;t dealt with, however. There are also genetic considerations, siblings of a victim having children due to a lack of knowledge of parentage (this has happened before).

        I also notice your tactic of avoiding the issues raised and instead patronising commentors, which I have not chosen to do so.

        Your turn. Please use logical arguments for your case. Failiure to do so will betray trollish behaviour.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I think you are confusing "rape" with submissive/domination sex play. Some people enjoy this. Rape is a violation and an attempt to take power from someone. If you give them this power, you are just a sub playing your role. Rape is not play. And it is not intended to give the other person enjoyment.

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    • coolio75650932

      he means actual rape yes actual rape unwilling sex slavery of a vagina,etc etc

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    • Lol. Google it. I'm not saying it's the norm but some woman actually had a positive reaction to it and they think they are sick for feeling that way.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Just because a few people have come to terms with the act in a rather unique way, does not make it "no big deal." We all deal with trauma differently. Whatever method works for the individual is fine, but don't tell someone how to feel about the situation.

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        • Aleks85

          Have you ever done time? It's not a big deal next to a 6+ year bid in prison, trust me. For a 15 minute act of forced penetration give me a break, all you white knights are pathetic.

          People here say I'm trivializing rape, I say you're trivializing prison and a lifetime on the sex offender registry and a permanent felony on your record.

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          • NoraBaker

            I'll ask you to take dappled's illustrative story to try and understand this. The man did 3 and a half years in prison, being the perpetrator of the rape. She, being the victim, had to do at least 8 years. Psychological pain and withdrawal from social contact, my friend, IS prison. What's fair about that? So, 6 years is not even close to enough.

            This is a good one for a question, too. Ask one thousand women if they prefer 6 years in real prison or 6 years of psychological prison, healing from a traumatic situation such as rape. I'll sure take a happy state of mind in a confined, filthy, even violent, space over the latter, even if in the Caribbean.

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            • dappled

              I'd like to add one thing to both what Nora said and what I originally said. The person I knew did lose eight years of her life. More, in fact. But even leaving it at eight, if the rapist had been given eight years to "compensate" her, then this would still be unfair. They both lose eight years equally. Why should they suffer equally when he committed a crime and she didn't? He should do his eight years, like her. Then he should do another eight like she had to (innocently). Then it's fair(er).

              Maybe that's the best way to deal with a non-quantifiable like mental anguish. However long it takes for the victim to make a full recovery, the rapist does twice that. If he is being punished for the true harm he has done, it only seems just. If the victim never recovers, he never comes out.

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            • Iamgoingtokillyou

              who goes to prison in the caribbean? What kind of bullshit is that? And no woman would choose either option, because there's no option there. Would you rather have your leg or your arm cut off? ?????

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          • L3viathan

            I'm sorry, but a person commits a life-altering crime and then complains about the punishment as too severe? It's not decapitation, is it?

            To borrow your own words.... GET OVER IT.

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          • Iamgoingtokillyou

            that's fine, I'm going to have you turned out by a motorcycle gang, and then you can tell me how you don't think they should do time.

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          • howaminotmyself

            When did I trivialize prison? But I can't help but wonder who you are trying to convince here.

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            I'll stop after this I promise. XD I don't know where I could find good statistics (if you have a source that would be fantastic) but I've known a lot of cases locally where the rapist got out in less than a year.

            And putting rapists on the sex offender list is no different from anyone else convicted of any sort of felony, unless you're arguing that the classification should be lowered to a misdemeanor. All felons have to go on registry regardless of the crime.

            I think there are circumstances where charges shouldn't be pressed (like a teenage kid with an underage girlfriend, or a girl regretting sleeping with someone so she cried rape) but our justice system is far from perfect. You'll go to jail longer for sharing files than for rape and murder if it was your first offense.

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  • jermath35

    No big deal? Fuck that I would kill if somebody raped me! And somebody rapes other people makes me wanna kill them...

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    I don't even know what to say to this. Rapists, child molesters, people like this don't get nearly a serious enough punishment for the damage that they inflict on their victims. The motivation behind rape, I do not even understand, has to be as sick and perverse as the act itself.

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    • When did women become children? I'm pretty sure women have the mental capacity to get over such a crime as they are able to understand.

      But this is kind of my point. Comparing it to child molestation is a shameful attempt to justify the penalty. More proof that society is pretty deluded.

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        I tell you what, I promise you views will change someday when you have a daughter. Do you think a guy that rapes your daughter deserves to get off light?

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        • Aleks85

          What's light? I think the max penalty for one count of forcible rape should be about 3 years, not fucking 25.

          Raping my daughter? Well I wouldn't aim to personalize it. That's like asking me if I think the death penalty is fair? Well, I'm kind of on the fence there, but if somebody hurt my family I'd kill them myself.

          So yeah, personalizing it does nobody any good. You can't make laws with emotion on the brain.

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        • coolio75650932

          i rape my own daughter

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      • Captain_Kegstand

        I am just confused by your opinion that is all. I respect the fact that we will all have different opinions, I am just trying to see from your POV, how the mental damage that rape causes is over punished by society?

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  • dappled

    Your logic may work if your brain was put into a woman's body and that body was raped. But female feelings and responses regarding their own bodies are vastly different than your feelings and responses. In fact, it would probably horrify most women to realise there are men who'd trivialise rape.

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    • I do not trivialize rape, I think I made that clear in my original post. But rape(forced sex) by itself should never be classified as a violent crime.

      This is a mental and emotional based crime at best. I am not saying the that cannot be damaging to a woman's psyche, however I am saying that the punishment doesn't fit the crime.

      Most people do less prison time for violent assaults where true physical pain is actually present.

      Let me emphasize again, I am not saying it is not wrong or cruel or shouldn't be illegal. Simply that the penalty is far too harsh for sustaining some emotional damage.

      But I appreciate the first serious response, so thank you.

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      • dappled

        I was definitely left with the feeling that some of what you posted was trivialising the issue. Even in the title, a phrase like "no big deal". But I'm not going to argue over semantics.

        I'm surprised about the consideration that physical pain is more worthy of punishment than mental pain. It's certainly easier to quantify but that's besides the point. As far as I'm aware, I only know (actually, "knew") one person who had been the victim of a sexual assault. There was some violence involved but her body healed in weeks.

        Mentally, though, it ruined her. She didn't date, didn't sleep with anyone, didn't even socialise with men for eight years. It was only after 18 months CBT that she tried to get her life back on track (which is how I met her. A mutual friend set us up, the idea being that I'd be a non-pushy date). Her behaviour was noticeably odd and, at the time, I didn't realise what a big step it was for her to go on a date with me. Although I was fond of her, it didn't really work out.

        The guy got six years, served three and a half and his release terrified her so much, she relocated to the other side of the world for a few years (prior to me meeting her).

        Six years for a few bruises is too much, yes, but I don't think it's nearly enough in terms of the emotional damage. It might be unseen but that doesn't mean it isn't there. That single incident pretty much ruined her life.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        I know I replied up above but I think it's too late to edit and something dappled said made me think of more.

        This is the way I look at it, the difference between physical and psychological pain. Lose a leg, break a limb, get beat the fuck out of.. basically any injury short of making you a vegetable and you can deal with the physical recovery and immediately go back to the rest of your life.

        But look at people with schizophrenia. People with severe PTSD, people who've blown their minds out on drugs. Once your psyche is fucked up to a certain point, there is no going back. After what happened to me, I scared myself pretty terribly for a while. All of a sudden I was prone to these psychotic thought patterns, crippling guilt and a powerful urge to punish myself. Because my circumstances were largely nonviolent (one was an abusive relationship... I used to be the innocent kid >.<) I blamed myself. Actually heard voices for a little while, but I'm largely recovered now thank god. I'm grateful what happened to me wasn't worse, I know I'm not perfect but I'm not crazy either.

        I feel, given what I've seen of psychosis, I would rather lose my life than lose my mind.

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  • JustDave

    Someone spends a little too much time fantasizing about rape. Have you considered another pastime, something more benign like stamp collecting or numismatics?

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    • Java

      Stamp collecting is so last summer. I think he should do coins and spoons.

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      • JustDave

        Auto-erotic asphixiation is another interest he should pursue. Especially on a slippery floor.

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        • Aleks85

          you're just jealous cause i'm more handsome than you.

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    • Aleks85

      I was an avid panty collector when I was 14. Does that count?

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  • Java

    Lets not forget that some people value their chastity or some shit. Some people are old-fashioned like that and want to save their first kiss, their virginity - WHATEVER, - for a person they love.

    And as someone else said here, it destroys the soul because it shows the women the cold hard facts they all try to avoid - we are and always will be inferior to men.

    Why do you think parents tell their kids it's wrong to hit a girl? BECAUSE GIRLS ARE WEAKER.

    It's like, you'd fight her but it wouldn't be fair on her side since she's naturally weaker, therefore if you picked on her, "just cuz", you'd be a douche. Guys fighting guys, girls fighting girls is perfectly alright, because it's a fair fight.

    I mean any GOOD soldier, unless aiming to kill the enemy on sight, wouldn't be such a LOSER and so PATHETIC as to fight what's weaker.

    Unless it's some sadistic bitch then whatevs.

    And don't yo or anyone else DARE say that "rape is animalistic" and, "oh, many animals like birds and frogs mount female animals when they get the chance to show dominance", because YES, they ARE animals but they are not on the same intellectual level as us! As much as I love my cat animals like her are at a lower mindset level and so all they (usually) really think about is surviving and reproducing - I'm not saying every animal is like that though.

    So you have a rape fetish. Big deal. I personally have it too, but I'm not going to waltz into a dark alley and flash a painted-on tramp stamp.

    I don't care that you like rape. It's good that you don't act on it, and I sure as fuck hope you never do. What DOES bother me is that you see ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with it at all.

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    • Aleks85

      I agree with most of what you said, I can certainly understand how it would affect some more than others. However I still don't think we should generalize those types and make the penalty the same for some rapist.

      On the flip side of the coin he rapes a prostitute who spreads to legs for any guy with a couple C-notes. It's still the same penalty. That's bullshit.

      Maybe the victims should start being profiled before deciding a perps sentence.

      Also, I never mentioned anything about animals. Very few animals fuck for pleasure, it's instinctual. I'm not an idiot.

      As for the last part you couldn't be more off base. Never have I said there is nothing wrong with it at all. Unfortunately I think people are responding to my title and not my post. That's my fault, I should have chose my words more carefully.

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      • thinkingaboutit

        Yes, blame the victim for being raped. Sounds logical. uh huh.

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      • Java

        I used that for example, smartass.

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  • snafu

    you are an idiot !!!you'll end up doing jail time for rape, and your defence will be I was trying to show her a good time

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  • NotFloydzie


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    • Thanks for your wonderful insight and contribution. It's unfortunate the more "popular" members of this website have devolved into lame attempts at being witty or just outright commenting for the sake of commenting.

      Maybe if you guys and gals are bored here you should move along.

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      • Java

        Probably the only comment I will ever agree on with you.

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      • NotFloydzie


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        • coolio75650932

          lol stalking your comments! m,kay?

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      • Iamgoingtokillyou

        You do know that all rapists, started out, fantasizing about it first.

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  • NoraBaker

    I'm not the only one! ♫ Rape me... Rape me my friend... ♫

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    • anti-hero

      Have you ever heard the crappy clean edit of that song

      WAIF ME! Makes so much sense.

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      • NoraBaker

        Hahaha "Honey, I want to role-play! You go outside and come back in here to waif me!"

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        • NoraBaker

          *husband comes back with blankets, milk, cookies, and motherly attitude*

          "Where's my dirty little waif? Time to shower and go to bed, sweetheart"

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          • anti-hero

            LMFBO ... the B is for balls.

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  • Iamgoingtokillyou

    OK let me help you out. You see some scientists are now saying that men and women are actually different. That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it. 1. Men in order to get off only requires a physical act, for women however, it requires a state of mind coupled with the physical act. Aka, in order for a woman to enjoy sex, it is 90% mental. In her head. If she is not in the right head space, it is a no go for her, or worse, a scar from which she will never recover. 2. Men are brusque, crass, rough, and far stronger physically then women so able to do considerable damage if they chose to and tactless (tactless means they see no reason to treat us as if we have any honor), women are soft, sweet, weaker then men physically, and kind. Now of course if you a man who sees no problem with rape, were to be raped by something sweet, sweet smelling, soft, kind, and curvy, of course you would have no problem with it. But that is not who women are raped by, we are raped by the a fore mentioned. The “ brusque, crass, rough, and far stronger physically then women so able to do considerable damage if they chose to and tactless” Let me put it in terms you will understand, would you rather be raped by a runway model, or a bald motorcyclist male named Mo who forced you over a garbage can and shoved his dick up your ass with no lube. I would guess the former. And last but not least, 3. unlike a man who again only requires the physical act to get off, a woman, as I mentioned before, must be in the right head space to be turned on , and therefore lubricated enough for the forced incursion not to hurt like hell. When a woman is raped, do you know what lubricates him? Blood. Lots of blood. And sometimes his spit. And last but not least, it is the fact that a rape means he sees her as something that belongs to him, aka, she is his slave, he rapes her because he thinks she has no right to say no, much like property, like an animal. Get it now?

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  • VioletTrees

    Oh, so I guess all those flashbacks were just me being whiny.

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  • AssBurgers

    Woah woah woah...I'm not going to lie, I'd gladly take part in role-play rape & I do crack the odd joke about the subject. However, I find your thoughts on the matter disgusting. I think 6 years for rape is getting off lightly. It's all circumstantial, but I do believe rapists and child abusers can be more of a threat to the public than some murderers, so I find that average sentence disturbing.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    hmm. it looks like my other post isn't here. either buried under "more comments" or deleted perhaps.

    Anyway, the other thing to consider about rape is that it is NOT only male-on-female. Men can rape other men. Women can rape women or men as well.

    And really, for men it's a big deal to be raped too.
    They aren't taken seriously - and if they were raped by a female they'll probably be laughed at. When it comes to anti-rape marches their own ordeals are ignored or trivialized.

    Plus there's the stigma that "men can't be raped" because they're always willing to get laid, right?

    And for both genders... the myth that you must have wanted it if you orgasmed. The truth of it is, a forced orgasm often hurts the healing process the victim goes through. It adds a layer of confusion and unease to the act.

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    • Aleks85

      Maybe, you're refusing to stay on topic, even with this comment.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        The topic was that rape was no big deal.

        I am showing that it is indeed a big deal.

        Maybe the real problem is that I'm not agreeing with your opinion?
        I mean why ask if something is normal if you don't wish to hear any other opinion but your own?

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        • Aleks85

          Actually it isn't. The topic is whether the punishment fits the crime.

          And beyond that, it's hard to accept when you are abnormal. It feels like I'm getting jumped by a gang of vigilantes in my mind.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            Except that the topic included misconceptions on what rape really is.

            you cannot trivialize something like that and expect no one to reply or comment on it

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            • Aleks85

              Not true, it's not that black and white. I am simply suggesting that the penalty for rape is serious overkill. I don't think that is trivializing it.

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  • moomus

    Regarding rapists going on the register and serving a long sentence in prison..... If they don't want the time then don't do the fucking crime......they deserve more than a stretch inside. Let's face it, many people who are raped suffer psychological damage for life.

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  • jondoerandom

    Ah.. heavy subject. No comment, I just like rape jokes, even though some of them are a little bit..forced.

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  • Aleks85

    If anyone wants to continue commenting on this topic thats fine but I am deleting any future comments that are personal attacks towards me. It's getting on my nerves. Learn to keep it civil please, thank you.

    I have done nothing illegal. I am not a rapist. Just disagree with the degree of penalty for sexual assault when a woman is not physically harmed. In other words I don't think it should be a capital offense.

    Certainly for serial offenders, or people who harm their victims it should be.

    I'd also like to make it clear I did not make this thread solely because of my interest in rape.

    I made it because a friend is doing a 6 year bid for what seems to me to have been a shady case for rape. I will not divulge any more information on that subject however.

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