Is it normal to question this about relationships?

Is it normal that I think the whole idea about "love" is really a bunch of bullshit, I mean really if you think about it, love is about being selfish and possessive of what you believe to be yours, not the nonsense that Hallmark greeting cards and Hollywood want us to believe.

Is it also normal that on the whole I think that it is more normal and acceptable for the girl/woman to expect that more emphasis be put on her and her needs, feelings, etc then the guy's? And many, many guys just either overtly or covertly accept it as part of what being in a relationship is? Especially considering that most girls know that as long as they arent super ugly, which most arent they could just get another guy with relative ease. And I am not talking about relative hot ones (like 7 or 8) I mean like average looking. Obviously the hot ones could get a new guy in less then 24 hours.

Voting Results
42% Normal
Based on 53 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 94 )
  • howaminotmyself

    You really have no idea what love is. I hope some day you will understand because right now you are confusing love and lust. And you have forgotten that love comes in many forms, not just in our romantic encounters.

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    • saddenedunicorn

      WELL SAID!

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  • Uzzie101

    I'm in a good, honest, caring relationship, so I find this post pretty laughable. She tries so hard to fulfill my emotional needs, so I try just as hard to meet hers. I've never been fucking happier.

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    • Well I can guess she's probably ugly as pretty girls definitely don't "try to fulfill emotional needs " whatever the hell that means. Pretty girls are also rarely friendly or funny unless its to be sarcastic to some lame oaf hitting on them. By inference I can assume you are probably ugly too.

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      • Queen^of^Spades

        I don't know where you live. But don't assume that all "pretty" girls are heartless whores.

        I take that back if 'pretty' means 'slut' in your language.

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        • Uzzie101

          It sounds like he's about 13 years old, in secondary school, and is pissed because all the early developers are rejecting him.

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          • many 13 year olds are insightful as me? Stop getting so upset about the truth. If you wana go out with friends do you tell them you have to check with the "boss"? I bet you do big boy.

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            • Uzzie101

              Insightful? You seemed to have based your entire knowledge of love off of sitcoms, far from insightful. I don't ask permission to go out, sorry to disappoint you.

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      • Uzzie101

        I'll have you know, she's very beautiful. There is not a sight more exalted than her glorious smile, or a sound sweeter than her gleeful laugh. So stfu.

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        • Bwahaha! So are you guys going steady or is it a fuck buddy thing?

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          • Uzzie101

            Going steady.. obviously? It'd be difficult not to interpret that from what I wrote :P

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            • CaptainObvious

              Indeed, good sir, it is quite obvious. It's nice to see other commenters take such a wholesome approach to pointing out the obvious to some less discerning members of our site. Stay strong, citizen, and we shall over come.

              ~Cpt. Obvious

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            • I wasn't really asking seriously I don't give a shit what she looks like, what you look like, or what the situation between you two actually is. I laughed at glorious smile and gleeful laugh. You sound 20 or younger like her. You know that age where you think you're an adult but realistically you are just a legal age kid.

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      • ccjigsaw

        WOW~ I wisshhh I couulldd be fat so I can have a great personality!!! If I just gained 50lbs I'd be friendly and funny!!! Great logic there btw. Woops! There's my sarcastic humour again..i'm probably using the lowest kind of humor cause i'm so pretty...

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        • So are you fat then? Why the sarcasm otherwise? Its alright it is just more to love.

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          • ccjigsaw

            I'm actualy only 110 lbs. Not that, that ACTUALLY effects my personality *eye roll* you're just a bitter little virin. Here's a little bit of truth for you. Fat or skinny, noone likes a narrow minded asshole. Or disrespectful guys that call girls fat. You obviously view "beauty/pretty" as skanky hoes. You should stop taking out your virgin frustration on the commenters and REALLY figure out why noone likes you. "Ohh bohooo! pretty girls won't fuck me!! They must all be bitches and relationships are fake." Shove a dick up your ass and jerk off in the corner, noone cares.

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            • Why be such a meanie? I only suggested you could be fat. 110 lbs isn't. I really am not a virgin just a guy questioning the idea behind "love". Your need to throw your love life in my face makes me think my question hit a sensitive area.

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      • PapzBSlim

        I feel sorry for you. Plus, you are asking a question yet you disagree with people's thoughts of if it is normal? You make no sense. I assume you answered your own question with those kinds of responses you are giving out. At least I hope you LOVE yourself.

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        • Lol. All this feeling sorry for me. You people need to wake up.
          People can disagree if they want and I can disagree back again.

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          • PapzBSlim

            Why are you asking if this is normal? Just believe in what you want then.

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            • I just made the poll out of curiosity not to be insulted. Sorry I feel that people can be polite without it costing them anything. Lol

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      • chatter289

        Wow, I truly do feel sorry for you for being so narrow minded to even consider that attractive girls are not funny nor caring. It may be the case for a small number of them, just like there are small cases of assholes in the world, i.e one being you, but not all are like that. I know plenty of gorgoues women who are very very smart and have a great sense of humor and are extremely loving. But as i said, i do feel sorry for you, and i will try and be understanding and come to a conclusion that you narrow mind is due to you never having met a beautiful smart girl BUT then it also leads me to assume, maybe you have met them but because you are so narrow minded and you assumed the worst of them they immediatly saw just what a jack ass you are and were mean!hmmmmmm which one is it which one is it....

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        • Lol. Narrow minded? Don't get upset that I told the truth and its an ugly truth. Probably like you. No need to call me an asshole or jackass, that just proves to me how close what I said hit home.

          Sure pretty girls are just so sweet and kind. They treat every guy they meet with respect and total politeness. Don't bother with some dumb response of beauty in the eye of the beholder thats bullshit ugly people say to get confidence.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Maybe YOUR version of love is about selfishness but that doesn't mean that it is.

    And yeah, there are childish women out there that think they deserve it all for very little and there are men out there that take it. Compromise is necessary for every relationship, and just because you can't see the good in the women that some men choose to date doesn't mean that there isn't any and believe me, men aren't without flaw in relationships either. In fact, it is to my understanding that nobody is perfect. Men included.

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    • Its not a discussion related to flaws obviously we all have them. But today's relationships if you take 10 at random I bet at least 6 or 7 are exactly like what I described in my 2nd paragraph.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        That's your assumption. I'm sorry that your experience is narrow enough for you to assume that most relationships are as you described and those sound like relationships that I have seen in high school and amongst those that have trouble conducting the rest of their lives as well but I wouldn't even dare say that those groups, however big or small they are in your particular geographical area, are hardly representative of the majority of the populace of couples.

        Then again, good happy and mature couples generally don't gather nearly the attention than the ones that you described.

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  • dom180

    I'm not sure you know what love is.

    Persuading someone to have sex or go on a date with you in the hope of having sex later because you're a good looker *is not love*. An attractive girl might be able to get a new boyfriend really quickly, but that guy will *not* be in love with her and she will *not* be in love with him. They might have sex, and it might even be really good sex, but it won't be love, even if they might be able to persuade themselves that it is. Love isn't something you can replace in a couple of days. Pretty much that definition of love is something you can't replace in a couple of days; if you can then it was never love.

    Love is not threatening (overtly or covertly) to leave the other person if you don't get what you want just because you can afford to. That's called emotional blackmail, and it's abuse. Love is staying with that person even if you can't get everything you want because staying together is something that is worth compromising for. Love needs compromise, and in that very small sense you're at least a little bit right: love isn't Hollywood and it isn't perfect. But that doesn't mean it isn't worth having. That doesn't mean it isn't something worth fighting for. That doesn't mean it isn't worth the risk of getting hurt in the pursuit of.


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    • I don't think its worth the risk. And I don't even include the emotional toll that can happen. I just refer to the legal ramifications. Besides even though I don't do it paying for sex is just logical. You pay for a date anyway and then you have to pretend to be interested in the drivel that spills from their mouths. Why not pay money for the sure thing?

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      • dom180

        Sex isn't the only point of dating for most people. Most people enjoy talking to people on dates, and if it is to you then it's no wonder you don't enjoy it. If all you're looking for is sex then I suggest you find a FWB, then you don't need to pay at all.

        If you just find *your* dates boring but would be happy to talk to an interesting person, I suggest you date the sort of people who *don't* spill drivel from their mouths instead of complaining. Don't ask out on a date someone you'd like to have sex with, ask out someone you could enjoy talking to.

        What are the legal ramifications of dating? Am I being dense and missing your point? Or do you just mean the legal ramifications of hiring a prostitute? In which case I'll reiterate my above suggestion: FWB = fun times for you.

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  • ccjigsaw

    You're probably going to shit bash me cause I'm in a healthy relatioship but... Me and bf pay half and half where ever we go. I take him out on dates once in a while, and he takes me out to. We are bestfriends and can tell eachother anything. We know how to handle eachother better than anyone we know. One of the best things about us is never having to feel lonely, or always having someone to come to when we have a shit day. He likes that I coook for him, and I like when he tries to cook and it look like poo :P But I smile and eat it anyways. We make eachother happy in the simplest ways. We are in love. Not lust.

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  • DanishGirl

    I feel sorry for you ever look at the past generations such as your grandparents or great grandparents who stayed with there spouse. Relationships are work yes... but if you love someone enough than you stay in the relationship. There about communication and mutual respect. That other person becomes your family...someone you can't live without. People nowadays dispose of there relationships with way to much ease and make up some bullshit excuse on why they are not strong enough or just don't want to make the effort to stay with who your with. Sex is way to casual and way to accessible...that's why std's are so rampant.
    I believe it's all about having self worth and knowing what you are looking for and want out of a relationship and finding someone who wants the same. As for the pretty women that are supposedly these huge sluts, judging a book by it's cover is the most ignorant thing a person could do. It's shallow and superficial which seems to me that you view women in that way. Also here's a hint looking on street corners and in bars is not the place t meet someone who you would take home to mom.

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    • How I would I look at grandparents or great grandparents relationship? they're all long dead. Lol. You gave a great politically correct answer but unfortunately like all PC stuff its bullshit about the judging a book by its cover. Everybody does that. The first thing we do as a whole is look at someone. At least you were truthful about how people approach marriage today makes me laugh

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      • ccjigsaw

        Almost every person who judges a book by it's cover thinks that everyone else does it too. Why? Because they judge people, just by looking at them.

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        • Thanks for proving my point. Appreciate it.

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  • chatter289

    Ok, first let me make something clear. Men never ask for 'attention or love' because they have ALWAYS received it. From a very young age men have received love and care from their mothers, they grow in their teens they receive love and care from their gf's etc etc. For women its different. At a young age, like boys, we are given love and care and affection BUT, when we grow up and meet a boy we no longer recieve the attention we use too from when they were a child. It stopps for women and then men bitch and say 'oh she she it soo emotiona or too clingy'. If women were to stop showing emotions like men do i assure you men would be just as 'bad' as women!

    Men, please just stop and think. Not once in your life have you not been cared for and have stopped receiving affection and love from a woman, it starts for you from a young age and NEVER stops. For women, love and affection from our mothers/fathers, stop when we grow into a 'woman'.

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    • prasatko

      You wrote: "Men never ask for....because they have ALWAYS...", and "it...NEVER stops."
      The way you use such generalisations ("never", "always")says a lot about your simplistic thinking process.

      Please, send some studies (you claim to be a professional) which could justify the statements you made above, for example "Men never ask for attention or love." I am sure that in scientific journals there is plenty of evidence that men never ask for attention and love or otherwise you should do your homework and try to get rid of such basic mistakes in jumping to conclusions. Logic has never been your cup of tea, has it?

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    • Naamah

      From another planet??? Or nut-house? Or just under the influence of shitty feminism?

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      • chatter289

        For a second I was going to elaborate more regarding my previous commment, BUT, from the looks of it, the stupid DNA that is imprinted in you would not be able to understand nor graspt the inferential thinking process I was going to forward your way. Its ok. One has to be stupid to make another seem smart. Its the way of the world :)

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        • Naamah

          “Stupid DNA“? Do you mean the DNA of my gender? Well, if I consider the majority of individuals who represent it and your statements, I must agree with you that the DNA of my gender is totally stupid in general... BTW, I am female.

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        • prasatko

          Your comment just shows that your words can´t be taken seriously. I wanted to report your comment as being offensive and abusive but I decided not to report this example of stupidity - it helps other users to see what an abhorrent creature you are. And please do not use words like "inferential thinking process" in connection with your mind which is apparently unable to think. All your comments in this thread shed a serious doubt on the processes in your brain. I do not know what processes is your brain capable of, but thinking? Probably not.

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          • chatter289

            Oh mannnnnnnn.....another imbecile who does not read carefully... I'm sorry i just could NOT help myself but to reply to your silly post because you have absolutely faiiillleeeeed to read what I've written. Basically, you have not just insulted me and my 'lack of inferential thinking process' but those of scholars and professional who have done ample amount of research into this very topic, and hence why I gave the response i did.

            Ok let me make this easier for those who really are finding it hard to undersatnd.

            What I said= has been published and reasearched by various scholars and professionals who specialise and have dedicated their lives to understanding human behaviour/emotions. Yes? My response was given in light of applausable findings by them AND by my own educational research AND as a woman myself. You are NOT a woman. You do not know what we fee. Yes you may refute the findings and ideas that I put through, but only till you have evidence to do so (i.e. become a woman or conduct a fruitful amount of psychological evidence to make such a statement).Till then, my comment stands valid.

            I also would like to add that, yes you may portray yourself to sound rather smart, but as you yourself said in a very previous post 'People prefer to live in illusions and self-deception when it makes them feel good'. Oh how right you are, I hope you feel better now :)

            Oh and just to finish off. By all means if you feel like what i've written is innapropriate then please by all means do report it, dont couple your excuse with what 'ive said is plain silly, because It's not, what I have written comes from professionals in the field.

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            • prasatko

              Please, give us some references in scientific journals. I´d love to see the studies done by the scholars you mention.
              Your words: "Not once in your life have you not been cared for and have stopped receiving affection and love from a woman, it starts for you from a young age and NEVER stops" - you wrote this about men and now I am waiting for at least five studies in professional journals which you have read or written to back this statement with some clear "psychological evidence". Please, send us the names of the researchers and their studies which prove the validity of this statement. I´d like to see the methodology they used. Was it qualitative or quantitative research?

              By your line of reasoning: "You are not a woman. You do not know what we feel", you cannot compare men and women because you are not a man and you do not know what we (men) feel.

              Silly girl...

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            • prasatko

              Please, give us some references in scientific journals. I´d love to see the studies done by the scholars you mention.
              Your words: "Not once in your life have you not been cared for and have stopped receiving affection and love from a woman, it starts for you from a young age and NEVER stops" - you wrote this about men and now I am waiting for at least five studies in professional journals which you have read or written to back this statement with some clear "psychological evidence". Please, send us the names of the researchers and their studies which prove the validity of this statement. I´d like to see the methodology they used. Was it qualitative or quantitative research?

              By your line of reasoning: "You are not a woman. You do not know what we feel", you cannot compare men and women because you are not a man and you do not know what we (men) feel.

              Silly girl...

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        • You sound ugly. No offense

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          • chatter289

            Proven my point! No further comment.

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            • That you're ugly. Of course its obvious. Sorry about that.

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    • prasatko

      You wrote: "Men never ask for....because they have ALWAYS...", and "it...NEVER stops."
      The way you use such generalisations ("never", "always")says a lot about your simplistic thinking process.

      Please, send some studies (you claim to be a professional) which could justify the statements you made above, for example "Men never ask for attention or love." I am sure that in scientific journals there is plenty of evidence that men never ask for attention and love or otherwise you should do your homework and try to get rid of such basic mistakes in jumping to conclusions. Logic has never been your cup of tea, has it?

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    • ccjigsaw

      Oh my. You're like the opposite of the looser who posted this story... If your man isn't showing you love and affection, you're in the wrong relationship... (I'm a girl btw's)

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      • I resent that. I've been called a lot of things but I draw the line at looser.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    You are very depressing and negative. Just reading your post sucked all positivity from my soul.
    I highly doubt you have ever been in love or you wouldn't have said that. And if you ooze out negativity like you did on your post, I am sorry but you will find it hard to find a partner and fall in love.

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    • It feels more comfortable for people like you to label what I wrote as "negative" when realistically what I said isn't negative or positive. It's just the way things are. I just didn't sugarcoat it like most everyone else does.

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      • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

        But it really isn't how things are. Because love really is the most amazing thing. It really does sound like you have never been in love, or you are just still bitter about a past one.

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        • Sorry it is how it is. Deal with it how you can. Sounds to me like you take your romantic comedies way too seriously. Life isn't like a movie or a novel. Good luck. I mean that.

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          • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

            I don't need to watch rom coms or take them seriously because I have been in love to know what it's like. Yes, love is hard and it hurts but it's still the most amazing thing.
            Good luck with ever getting a girlfriend or ever falling in love (clearly for the first time) with an attitude like that. You shouldn't have such a strong opinion on this when it is so clear you have never been in love. That's a bit ignorant/immature of you.

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            • And I take it you have been? Honestly I really dont care either way, but just because you have (or think you have) doesnt make you an authority on talking about it.

              And yes you do sound just like someone who watches too many romantic comedies or reads too many romance novels.

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  • CaptainObvious

    This is ridiculous, and you have no grasp of what love it.

    ~Cpt. Obvious.

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  • Thanatos_4_The_Win

    Ok. I've been reading all these comments, taking in both "sides" points of view, considering the pros and cons of both. So, since you believe stating what you believe firmly to be the truth, that love in real life is majorly stereotyped and believed because of media (am I correct in saying this?), I too shall state my opinion on this matter. Yes, I think many young adults, teens, and even older citizens uphold what they call love from what the media has imprinted on them, I.E., you see a show where a girl loves an abusive relationship with her jerk boyfriend, therefore you're under the impression that must be normal. However, don't be so hasty, anyone, to think love does not exist at all, and I mean true love, not what you think is love. As one who is in love, love is spontaneous, unexplainable with rational means, and irrevently powerful. Love is what motivates humanity to push on, to feel desired and appreciated, and its what makes us human. I dare say some would believe that we as humans are but slaves to our emotions. I can see that, as I think that if love was a captor, who would want to break free? I rebute that in saying that there are psychological conditions, such as the condition where a victim thinks they are in love with their captor, that can argue with this. Simply this, love is real, powerful, and again spontaneous.

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  • saddenedunicorn

    Sounds like you're just jealous of those who experience it. A lot of people are just in lust with their partners but a few actually ARE in love.

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  • Squambly+

    Well what do you expect "love" to be like?

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    • A lie? I know that.

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  • bristexai

    I don't feel sorry for you. Most relationships are what you described. But there will be one person you are meant for. Most people pass this up, though.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Love seeketh not iself to please
    Nor for itself give any care
    But for another gives it's ease
    And builds a heaven in hell's despair

    So sung a little clod of clay
    Trodden with the cattle's feet
    But a pebble of the brook
    Warbled out these metres meet

    Love seeketh only self to please
    To bind another to its delight
    Joys in another's loss of ease
    And builds a hell in heaven's despite

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  • phillustine

    Your post reminded me of the following article:

    I suppose the "possessiveness" and "selfishness" you refer to is the "jealousy" existing in eros referred to in the article. I personally believe these feelings belong with all things we covet; lovers, of course, being our most coveted objects.

    As I understand your argument, you think women are more demanding of a man's time than a man is of woman's or even allowed to be of a woman's. And you think the reason women are like this, or that we as men accept women being like this is because we believe they could land another lover quite quickly. Maybe you're right, but I'm asking myself. What's really bothering you? Why are you blaming women for this situation? Is your girlfriend overly demanding? Does she never consider your needs? If so, why don't you tell her? Better still, when you do something selfless for your girlfriend (i.e. forget your own needs to meet hers) why don't you consider this your admirable task for the day. It's proven that undertaking selfless tasks for others boosts our own sense of well-being.

    Of course, one cannot be eternally selfless. And if she really is just a selfish c***; well, you might just have to ask yourself if the nookie is really worth it.

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  • A real freindship is better for males than a relationship with a woman. I have observed this to much.

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    • You are probably the only one who will agree, even though what I said is very true indeed

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      • Ofcourse I will be the only one. If somebody dares say anything other than women make men more happier, and that rainbows shine from their asses, they are wrong. IIN mentality, unfortunatly.

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        • Antir0b0t

          I thought we were valued for our vaginas? ..No?

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          • VioletTrees

            We're valued for our vaginas and baby making abilities.

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            • Cmon that's not PC. And all with everything we must be PC.

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  • Mmmpfh

    Hey. More emphasis goes on a woman's feelings cause men have no need for such petty emotions. When a woman asks you what's wrong you grunt at her and say, "Woman, go fetch me a glass of whiskey, I need to brood." You then sit on your finest leather armchair and ponder your problems till your mustache solves them for you. FACT.

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    • phillustine

      Well, it's not really a fact is it however eloquently you put it. I mean, I don't even have a mustache.

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      • Yeh but you probably aren't manly enough to grow one. You should see my Mom's, its beautiful

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        • phillustine

          Does it solve all her problems by itself?

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          • I said its beautiful didn't I?

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