Still a virgin? well how old are you?

I'm 20 and... wait for it... a virgin. and I hate it like @#$%! Its taunting me. My girlfriend's of a number of years is no use 'cause she a virgin too and stingy :/. Can she blame me if i find someone else? (yes i said stingy)

Anyways this is a virgin only poll. Just decided to let the numbers speak instead of opinion. I haven't found this in the search... only "how old were you when you lost it".

And could you say whether its by choice or lack of opportunity.
Oh and one other thing. Confirm its a lot more respectable for a girl to be a virgin than a guy. Cause if its a guy... I've always found it something so uncool.

16 - 17 394
18 - 19 187
20 - 21 (this is where i think it gets outta hand for a guy) 152
22 - 25 112
26 - 30 (outta hand for a girl in my opinion) 43
31 - 40 17
41 and above. (hey, they're out there) 39
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Comments ( 103 )
  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    " Can she blame me if i find someone else? "

    If you're still dating her then yes.

    It doesn't matter if she's "stingy" or not... it's still cheating, no matter what you phrase you up to try to justify the behavior

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    • valisque

      Hey i never said cheating... By find someone else i meant;
      Break up, tell her it's 'cause I'm not getting any, and finally get down with someone more... willing, enthusiastic, loose, slutty?

      Point is its been 3 yrs and I'd imagine it wouldn't go down too pretty with her.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        i imagine it wouldn't either. It sounds like you've known her feelings on remaining a virgin for a while so it's not as if it's a big surprise.

        However if that's what you want more, then yes... leave her and chase the "loose" girls.

        Why would I say that? Because, even though it will hurt, it'd probably be healthier for her to find someone new... someone who really loves her as she is, vs someone who puts sex first and her second.

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        • valisque

          Sigh# i was hoping to leave out the details but anyways...

          Angel picture yourself as someone who only wants to have sex when she's completed her degree, her masters, her PHD. worked for a year then only after that, marries. count the years.

          So (politely asking again) you think someone that patient exists?

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            She pretty much sounds like she has her head on straight and wants success before she risks everything on a simple orgasm.

            Or as Mom use to tell us - if a man tries to make you choose between him and the career, take the career; you can always find another man.

            But hey if you want to put sex first and responsibility second, go for it. She sounds like she's got quite a successful career ahead of her.

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            • Gallieon

              I like the way she makes it sound like good men just fall from trees.
              Dude which ever way anyone puts it, expecting u to wait that long ain't feasible. I can respect that you've been with her all that time so obviously you're attached. But a guy has needs. It isn't even psychological or about morals as she makes it sound. You're not being low or a jerk if you decide to put yourself first.

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            • QueerFaggot

              What a fucking cunt. He never said he puts sex first, he said he doesn't want to be stuck with a girl who is so rigid that she won't have sex for ten years until she's accomplished everything and married.

              Sounds like a pretentious , over-religious celibate bitch that thinks sex before marriage is so below her.

              Sex is a human function, if you are with someone you are romantically involved with there is no reason to wait so long until goals are reached

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      • Shroot

        3 years and no sex??

        This is the sort of woman you do not want to be with, she is a control freak, the longer you are with her, they harder it is to break up with her

        Dump the bitch, and get yo self to vegas

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        That's all fine and well, but if you aren't mature enough to be an honest human being and dump her then I would suggest that you wait until you're mature enough to come join us in the Major Leagues.

        Otherwise, you'll end up getting burned in the deal.

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  • bristexai

    I'm asexual and 29, and if anyone called me sad, they would probably get punched.

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    • If you're asexual and comfortable with it, why would you need to punch someone for having an opinion that differs from yours?

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      • bristexai

        I was having a bad day when I wrote that.

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      • Thewomanizer


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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Lol nothing sad about being free of the curse of sexuality that plagues humanity.

      Imagine what I could do with my spare time if I didn't have to jerk off at least 5 times a day XD

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      • pappusharma

        Completely true

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      • Thewomanizer


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    • Shroot


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  • KeddersPrincess

    If sex is that important to you, then maybe you should break up with her. You know, not everyone is stingy because they don't want to have sex. It could be that she wants to wait until marriage, or perhaps she's just not ready. If you really want to have sex and she's not ready, then find someone who has the same views as you.

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    • valisque

      All the same to me... Stingy.
      Look, you're on point. She wants to wait till marriage... When she's 28... she's 19 now.
      Oh and she once implied suicide if i left her.
      hint hint. -__-

      alas, you're a girl so....

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Well, my being female has nothing to do with my views on sex, if that is what you are implying. The idea that females are not sexual has been proven false. Also, I've come across plenty of men in my life who have chosen not to have sex until after marriage. It's not based off of gender, it's based off of morals.

        If she implied suicide if you left her, then she is crazy, but if you ask me, don't put that on yourself. I always say, if you don't have the same views on things then it's not a good idea to be in a relationship with that person. She is a big girl now. She can take care of herself. You need to figure out what is good for you. You two obviously have different morals, so I suggest you leave her and find a person who sees things the way that you do.

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  • nandemonai

    Okay seriously you're only 20, you're virgin and you have a girlfriend? What's so bad about that? Sex isn't the most important thing in the world!

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    • valisque

      nope but its high up there...

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Ehhh... I was a virgin up until I was 15 ^^;

    I really wish I would have waited until college to have lost it, but women in my family have such a rabbit like sex drive and I have safe, responsible sex and have been doing so since I was 15.

    I was totally unprepared for the emotional costs of sex and it caused me a lot of trouble when I was younger. Now that I am an adult and married, sex isn't really a big deal, but back then I wasn't even aware of how emotionally taxing it was to be in a sexual relationship.

    A lot of people are under the impression that sex is just sex, penis in vagina and rub it around. In reality, it changes a relationship, it changes you and it is so much more than simply a physical act. If it IS simply a physical act I would say there is something wrong with your relationship. I would not recommend anyone do it unless they are 100% sure that they are ready for something like that.

    Don't be in a hurry, don't rush your girlfriend. I can understand how frustrating it is but jerk off to a good book, take a cold shower and get over it before you get yourself into any trouble. Honestly, man, if you are seriously considering leaving a long-term girlfriend because you're not getting any putang, you might not be mature enough to hit that anyway.

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    • valisque

      In actuality... Its not so much as the time i haven't had it as opposed to the possible time I'll spend without it... Been told straight up that i got years more to wait.

      I dunno but I call that playing hostage with me 'cause she knows she has me emotionally attached. It just don't feel fair.

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    • Thewomanizer

      so true, why is it that people get emotionally involved when they have sex, i seriously don't see the big deal? i'm a virgin and im pretty sure if i had sex i wouldn't get soo attached to the guy or whatever non-sense a relationship supposedly brings..? o.O

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Well, the first explanation that comes to mind is the release of bonding chemicals that happen often during sex and often as a result of orgasm.

        However, it goes much deeper than that and I don't want to sound like an asshole, but even I used to think, when I was younger, that sex wasn't a "big deal". It's difficult to explain to someone who hasn't had it and there is the chance that you won't experience what many men AND women do, however, you won't know or probably understand until the time actually comes =/

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        • Thewomanizer

          oh i see, what do u mean i wont experience what many men and woman do? so are you saying that even if i had sex with a guy i wasn't "crazy" about that immediately il be all "emotionally" involved? ...

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            You may or may not become emotionally involved. If you're a chick you probably will but I don't know because you don't know because you have never had sex.

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        • The release of bonding chemicals only occurs in women.

          In the male psyche sex is no more than a reproductive urge.

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          • PumpkinKate





            Not sure where you get your ideas from, but oxytocin is one of, if not the most prevalent bonding chemical there is.

            It is proven scientific fact that men release this chemical.

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              "Men are wired a little differently. Men have a hormone called testosterone as well as oxytocin. When men have sex and release oxytocin, they don't feel all cuddly and bonded like women do because of the fact that testosterone is released at the same time, and it blocks the bonding effect of oxytocin."

              Stop wasting my time.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            I know.

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            • PumpkinKate

              For shame, Neuro :(

              Science long ago proved as a fact that men produce bonding chemicals AND that they affect their behavior.

              It is to a lesser effect than with men, that is true, but it takes a lot of work to disprove scientific data that has been accepted as fact for several years.

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            • Yes Tommy sees, I thought it strange that something like that would slip past you.

              You never know, IIN is full of people who don't understand the sex drives and even think sexuality is a choice. They don't read or learn, just make stupid arguments based on some sort of warped personal beliefs.

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  • Anime7

    Still a virgin, and I'm not too annoyed by it, at least not yet. I would be happy if a girl just told that she liked me; I mean, really, I've never even so much as held a girl's hand and I'm 18. Although, I'll admit, I don't think I'm particularly ready for sex. I would like to have a meaningful relationship first, run a few bases here and there. But overall just find a girl who would like me and care about me as I would for her. It's frustrating just cause I don't want to lose it to anyone; I want to actually find love but I lack so much experience with girls that I'm slowly thinking I'll never find it. I may not be the nicest guy in the world, but I do have a decent personality and am willing to try.

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    • valisque

      Ah... The dreaded holding hands obstacle. Never too old to fear that. I personally found getting my 1st kiss a lot easier.
      not that this is helping you in any way but good luck.

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      • Anime7

        Nah, I appreciate talking to people who are in the same boat or at least at least remember what it was like sailing.

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  • CheyChey

    I'm 20 and a virgin & it's by choice. There is too much emphasis on sex in today's society. If a person wants to have sex then by all means do what you please but they should never make a big deal out of and make fun of people who are still virgins at a certain age, with sex comes great responsibility and it is the most intimate thing you can do with another person sharing your body like that so the first time I feel should be with the right person. Of course there are some people who won't share the same sentiments but then again those are probably people who fuck anything that moves or some people are more casual about sex.

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  • shuggy-chan

    I'm 73 year old virgin, cause no one want to get in my van, even for free candy

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    • valisque

      That's insane. What kinda girl would pass up free candy?

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    • charli.m

      Pfft. I would, only I don't like candy...

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      • valisque

        Don't like ca-.. What? What happened to you? Tooth ache?

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      • shuggy-chan

        i knew you were a creepy old man banger

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    • Thewomanizer

      whatever, your that funny asian dude ? :O

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    • dirtybirdy

      That's because they all get in MY van.

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      • shuggy-chan

        hell ill get in your van

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  • kaki

    virgin and i like it but damn i want to fuck my bf so bad

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    • valisque

      Are u kidding me? What's the hold-up??

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      • kaki

        i don't know he pisses me off the days i want to give him my v-card

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  • supaflyafro

    im 22 years old and a virgin. a guy too. im not annoyed at all that im a virgin. im just annoyed that when i stopped being shy and started asking girls out, i keep getting denied.

    now rejection isnt something thats gonna break ur spirit because rejection isnt as bad as everyone thinks it is. its a learning experience and being rejected means at least u know they werent the one for you

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  • BonerMagnet

    You don't have ages "15 or under" as an option. c;
    I did not give him permission, and I do regret not taking action to stop him. It is something I'm not proud of, but it gave me a lot of experience.
    All men ever want is usually sex. Or a sandwich...

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    • Thewomanizer

      not all guys..but yeah maybe most. i found it funny that ur a girl and ur name is bonermagnet lmao

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  • Jumaniyozova

    15. Wasnt one of the options to vote

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  • Somesortofname

    Dude, I'm 26 and still a virgin by choice. The uncool thing you mentioned made me laugh.. yeah you'll hear that from just about every GUY...the ladies, as have it, take to me as a "challenge," (no offense ladies, I know not all of you -thinking bar scene) but this creates conversation of random topics. so, it might be uncool for the guys but more ladies I found talk about you or talk to you. it a real bad thing if your the topic over some of the other guys? Heck, if you want to get married, trust that she'll find you, it's so rare in our culture. Personally, I'd rather have to only know my wife and think of my wife than some one night stand Acquaintance of a person I may never see again. Dude, being different is not a bad thing. Yeah it's hard, I get it, but it has it's own rewards and choices more than just keeping a "V-card"

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  • runbabyfly

    18, totally by choice, and my boyfriend respects that :) If you want to find another person so you can have sex in your relationship, then you should do that. It's kinda unfair to your stingy girlfriend anyway, if you're looking for sex when she isn't. Plus if it's been 3 years and she still doesn't want to have much longer will she keep you waiting?


    "Confirm its a lot more respectable for a girl to be a virgin than a guy." I don't know, if a guy wants to remain a virgin, then sure, whatever floats his boat.

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  • yesreid

    20 a virgin

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  • ccjigsaw

    20-21 is out of hand for a guy?? Maybe in your own brains lol I would say atleast 22-25 for a man. That's from my female perspective, so you can take that to the bank. As a side note: I knew there were a bunch of 16 year olds on here!!!!

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  • ManicMan

    So far just lack of opportunity. Where I'm staying right now I rent a room in a townhouse/condo complex,and it's a bit awkward thinking of having sex with others hearing.However all things considered I find it really hard to talk to girls(very shy), and I'm currently unemployed & on disability assistance.I'm 22 years old and I think of getting laid like this.College=getting laid
    So until I go to college,I feel it'll be a lot harder.

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  • Thewomanizer

    im 18, a girl! and still a virgin by choice.

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    • valisque

      See thats what I mean... Its totally normal for a girl to be a virgin till way late in her 20's because everyone wants to marry one.

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      • Thewomanizer

        hmm not sure about that, i think majority of girls decide not to wait till marriage as it's very rare to find a virgin these days and marriage is too far away.

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  • bristexai

    I was having a bad day when I wrote that.

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  • Yeah I'm a 19 year old guy. A sexy girl was coming onto me really hard at a get together in someone's dorm. Like really hard, she kissed me out of nowhere. I thought that if I just invited her back to my room it was a sure thing. But then I blacked out drunk, and apparently it didn't happen.

    So now my standards include not only that she must be acceptably attractive by my somewhat abnormal standards but also that I must be sober (which means that she must be too- I'm not into date rape). So it will be harder for me to lose it than before.

    Whether I care about her/love her, am in a relationship with her and respect her have always been preferable, but optional. If I never had standards I would have lost it long before now. Seems like you have standards too. If a relationship is part of your standards, by what you say it seems like you would be happier dropping it and dropping her. Cheating is not a good idea.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm in my late teens and I'm still a virgin. I don't see the problem with it and I'm in no hurry to lose it. I'll lose it when the time comes.

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  • Shrunk

    I'm 21 but I am not angry about it cos I am saving it for the right person.

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  • zackattack

    19 lack of opportunity, or so I've thought. There have been a few, who if I tried a little harder would have agreed to it. I was just to stupid to see the possibility. I hate it so much, but at the same time I know if I was just a wee bit more aggressive I wouldn't be one. If I'm still one on my 21st I'm gonna cry.

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  • DolphinDevil

    I wish I could say it was by choice... My problem is that I have a huge interest in humans sexually but not emotionally because I despise most girls... and the other girls I like don't care for me I think... And because my interest in humans is shrinking and I begin only finding animals attractive at all I don't know when or if I will ever lose my virginity to a human...

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    • valisque


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  • Terence_the_viking

    I have an aunt who is 45 and still a virgin i feel sorry for her it's actually quite sad.

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    • Kiddles9

      and how do you possibly know this?

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Because she told me.

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        • Kiddles9

          why in the world would your 45 year old aunt ever tell you that she's a virgin. That's seems weird to tell you niece/nephew that you haven't had sex all your life...

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          • Terence_the_viking

            Well she didn't tell me i kind of over heard when she was crying.

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    • wait.... what?

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      • Terence_the_viking

        My Aunt is a 45 year old virgin.

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        • valisque

          no i got that... i'm just wondering how that even happens.

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          • Terence_the_viking

            She is waiting to get married.

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