Unpopular opinions on random stuff
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Just drop some opinions on things, doesn’t matter what
It doesn't matter how much older is someone you have sex with as long as you're both of legal age.
That's in the law in america as long as you are both consenting adults you are fine. 18 and 60? No one cares legally.
Personally I dont care on the age at all as long as both parties are able to consent and do consent. Thank God I like them older than me and not younger cause that could be s problem then haha
I agree. In fact, if I were attractive and not restricted by religion, selling my pussy to some old lecher would be the perfect way to raise money to get my life rolling.
I don't think there would be anything wrong with either the old man, or me for thinking that.
Nuclear power plants are a good source of clean power. Europe shouldn't shut down nuclear plants.
Instead of banning cars from cities for "cleaner air", ban coal!!!!!
But it splashes when you pour in the cereal?
This is a disgusting and offensive opinion, I'm reporting this to Daddy isitnormal. He'll tell you off.
What are you talking about! If you do the milk first you can't get the right ratio of milk and cereal and you either have damp soggy cereal or tons of leftover milk with soggy cereal powder floating in it. If you do the cereal first, you fill the whole bowl with cereal and the milk only fills in the gaps and ends up being the perfect amount. The question is, do you actually think there's nothing wrong? Or are you just trying to rub people the wrong way and start a contravesry? Do you pour your milk first???
I completely disagree, people expierenced in eating cereal like me know that you have to leave the right amount of cereal on top of the milk, and there is a rule to always put less milk than the cereal. Therefore, the sugar of thus cereal doesn’t all blend in with the milk. In addition, putting the cereal in last splashes everywhere and creates a mess. It’s so much easier to just know the basic rule of leaving cereal at the top. Pouring cereal after milk is something only villains do!
Yep I pour the milk first. I've never had problems pouring it in first, so I never really understood why people freak out when I have them over for breakfast. Lol
I'm sure you do have problems, lots of problems. You are in denial! You just think you are more special of a snowflake than the rest of us because you pour your milk first just to grind people's gears.
We should have a three strikes (1st offense and 2 re-offenses) and then you're executed policy for molesters and rapists.
Why so many chances?
I don't necessarily agree with the execution part (except on an emotional level), particularly as there is a fair amount of evidence that paedophilia (not child molestation, but the unacted upon urges) is a genuine mental illness (not an excuse for acting on said urges...but certainly good reason to look at treating it as such to avoid action on said urges).
But why should they be allowed so many opportunities to inflict harm on innocent people?
In my plan, they would be punished for the 1st two offenses by the laws we already have, unless, due to the severity of the crime and the certainty of guilt, the judge decreed a life sentence. Then I'd trade that for a death sentence.
Sex offenders get out and re-offend all the time. My 3 strikes system would allow this to happen a maximum of 3 times before they're executed and stopped completely and permanently.
The reason it's 3 strikes is because for the 1st offense, the rapist or molester could have been accused falsely in the first place, or have made a mistake that they regret, and be effectively rehabilitated and corrected.
You can be less sure of a pattern of behaviors and true guilt the 1st time, in some cases.
The 2nd time, all of those things are much less likely, but taking a person's life is a serious decision, so normal punishment (jail time + rehabilitation) again.
The 3rd time, the chances of them having been falsely accused 3 times would be almost impossible, a pattern of persistent criminal sexual behavior would have been confirmed, and the chances of such a repeating rapist or molester to be rehabilitated would be miniscule. They would certainly be a tried and true, lifelong serious sex offender.
The only way to keep the public safe would be to give such a person a life sentence.
I think that's a waste of tax dollars. Why should we pay to keep trash alive that's good for nothing but being a resource consuming black hole, a threat to other inmates, and a threat to the society that they leech off of if they escape?
Rapists and molesters damage and even destroy dozens of lives in their wake. Imo, they don't deserve to live feeding off of tax dollars. I know, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind", but this case isn't one that I would consider that applicable to.
Sure, rapists and molesters may have urges that the average person doesn't have to contend with, but at the end of the day, they choose to act upon those urges. There are "virtuous pedophiles" you know: pedophiles who acknowledge their sexual attraction to children, but choose not to act upon it.
It's all a choice in the end, because these sex offenders never seem to lack the ability to control themselves when they're around people who could report or stop them, but once they're in a situation where they can satisfy their desires without having to face consequences, they take advantage with few qualms.
The issue with these people is mostly that they don't care enough about other people to not rape or molest them. They'd rather inflict suffering on someone else, than hold themselves back and be deprived.
I was watching a documentary about child sex offenders, and one boy, Garrett Clutter said this,
"I know right from wrong, it's just I choose to do wrong." His crime seemed to be raping and/or molesting his younger sister over a period of 4 years since he was 8.
Yikes, sorry about the lengthiness. Sometimes I just get into it.
Ok, I get you now. Idk why I thought you meant there were no consequences for the first two. I'm a tard.
I wasn't trying to defend them, just to be clear. Emotionally, this is one of the few things I'd be for the death penalty about. Just, intellectually, I can understand that perhaps with treatment, they could be encouraged to not act on urges. But you are quite right - it is ultimately down to their choice.
Nothing wrong with lengthiness if you're saying something important.
A blonde is driving her new sports car and cuts out in front of a semi, almost causing it to drive over a cliff. The driver furiously motions for her to pull over.
The driver gets out and draws a circle and tells her to stand in it. Then he gets out his knife and cuts up her leather seats. He turns around and sees that she's smiling. So he goes to his truck, takes out a baseball bat and starts busting her windows and beating her car. He looks back to see that she's laughing.
He's really mad now, so he takes his knife and slices her tires. He turns around, and she's laughing so hard that she's about to fall down. He demands, "What's so funny?"
She says, "Every time you weren't looking, I stepped out of the circle!"
I hope for the day that the human species goes extinct. We are like a virus that infects everything we can.
And I get downvoted for only wanting that to happen to a fourth of the population!
Yeah people here are very uptight about opinions. I got blocked yesterday for saying something aloing the lines of "The people that told me that all men and women are bisexual were always gay or bi themselves and couldn't get laid. I think they were just kidding themselves into thinking they'll have an easy time finding someone." Lol
Tried to thumb you up, but I guess I've run out of my thumbs quota for you. Such a sensible system.
Same user blocked me for my apparently homophobic comment.
"Then why ask? If you don't want other people to give opinions, don't post on a public forum. You invited this, don't get all pissy cos it's not going how you want."
Lol you ain't homophobic. He just happened to disagree with you and instead of properly saying why, he got emotional, decided to name call, and chose to only associate with people who agree with him. I have cousins who are ridiculously fragile like this. Everything with them is either super liberal or super conservative. Lol
Probably more that yours was racially motivated.
Why do I get the feeling you'd sound off if someone had said the same thing but directed at Americans instead of the Chinese?
North America is a poor place for an epidemic if the goal is wiping out the populace, not only is north America only having 600 million but its spread out throughout the Americas. Asia on the other hand has 2.4 billion people in the same space as the landmass of USA. That would be the most efficient way at killing the most.
More logical something like a super virus would happen in China or India, highly populated and dense. America is less so with population centers being spread out.
Yeah I saw. I don’t agree with down voting if they disagree so much they should have the balls to say it to you.
Which way are you going with that? It weeds out people with poor social skills, or that aspergers is the next level of humans? Im guessing the former, but if you think about it, some of those super genius type asperger's people that arent side tracked by instinctual desires, seem like nature's attempt at a better model of humanity.
I think that aspergers is natures attempt at advancing human intelligence. It's not perfect, but natural selection leads me to think they are in some ways, a step above other humans. As darwinism loosely states, each new step in evolution is just a retarded version of the one before that just happens to work better.
Get rid of the internet
Kill all psychopaths
Sexists are self hating gays
People who strongly believe pets are better than humans are just social retards and/or narcissists
Obesity is disgusting
Dogs are overrated
You have no bearing on society or politics
Everyone is fake
The real unpopular opinions will be down voted
Being a nihilist. Most people unconsciously attribute meaning to things because the human brain looks for patterns.
Stupid people should be elimitated from the population...
...through education, enriching the population as a whole. You sick fuck, where did you think this was going?
Notice I said stupid people, not people with cognitive disabilities or mental health issues. They're not stupid. Fucknuts like ones who don't know how to do simple things that keep society functioning on a daily basis because their heads are so far up their own arseholes...them's the cunts I mean.
Children are not generally innocent. Childhood innocence ought to be called, "childhood ignorance".
Babies aren't as intelligent as a lot of animals. We value humans more than animals because of our intelligence, yet we value babies more than animals because they are humans. That makes no sense and is just pure speciesism.
Humans need to be useless when a baby due to our head size. Since we are bipedal we need to come out earlier then needed so the mother and child dont die. Babys when they are born in a two years need to learn fine muscle function, Balance, linguistic speech and understanding of said speech. Humans need to be useless in the beginning so we gain the maximum levels of intelligence when we are older.
I'm in awe that overstepping a women's personal space has become as big an offense as rape and sexual abuse.
The Me-Too train has gone off the rails.
I don't have sex, but it's not the reason for any mental issues I have. Hell, plenty of people are healthy virgins.
I guess it comes down to how you feel about sex, and whether or not your celibacy is voluntary.
The point was kind of to post an unpopular opinion, though. I do, however, like the basic idea of free escorts provided by the NHS.
It'd be good for sex-starved people, and working for the government would be safer for poor people who have to resort to prostitution than working on the streets.
Overall, I wouldn't want it though, because it would be yet another drain on tax dollars, and for a program I wouldn't personally use.
We should colonize a planet as soon as possible. Forget other things. Colonize Mars
Im not a flat earther but a lot of that shit Nasa puts out is fake. Its so obvious.
Lol. Does this mean you got me? I guess I'm used to encountering messed up people online, which is understandable since it's the only place for them to express themselves without consequence.
The West is doomed. We've reached unprecedented levels of decadency and effeminacy
I haven't had a any pet rats, or a dog of my own since the summer of 2001, and it's saddens me in my soul. I'm so grateful to God for my Siamese cat, but I feel guilty that it's just my cat, and I. I wish I could give him some pals.
Of course, I disagree, but I find cruel people like you to be interesting. Will you humor me and say why you want to destroy all the weak?
I sometimes wonder what if instead of monkeys evolving into humans what if Cats evolved into furries? would being a skinny be a weird thing? would Skincon be a thing?
Escorts charge extortionate rates, they're richer than doctors and work 10 times as less. Plus it's annoying how a lot of them think so highly of themselves because they think they're providing a service to members of society who can't otherwise access it (due to them being unattractive), but then they charge discriminatory prices that only the rich can afford. If they genuinely cared about providing people with a service they can't obtain themselves, then they'd also charge obtainable prices.
"If they genuinely cared about providing people with a service they can't obtain themselves, then they'd also charge obtainable prices."
Lmao, do you think they're like sex missionaries or something? They're trying to make a buck, they do just find with the market they pander to...
It's lucrative, isn't it? Unlike drug dealers, they can wash their crack and sell it again.