Newest Posts in Feelings
88%IIN to be put off by this community?
50%I get out of breath when i go up stairs
NewDo you love yourself?
Why are goth women fetishized?
50%I hate traveling
40%Is it normal that i always feel like crying?
86%Is it normal that i don't have any boyfriend?
70%IIN to be extremely fascinated by death
29%IIN i have a crush on salad fingers?
67%IIN to like missing out on things?
67%IIN to be a girl that likes chubby girls
46%IIN i want to rip off my leg?
NewIs it normal to be scared of the noises my brother makes?
NewDo you end up with more “good days” or “bad days” in your opinion?
100%Is it normal that i think jetlags are like a nightmare?
25%IIN to want to murder someone?
25%I wish i was black woman in the early 90s
18%Kill myself over rule 34
50%I make him carry me?
NewGun deaths and suicide
NewIIN i am straight but
90%Caffeine makes my depression worse?
I feel burn out
As a woman, i am disgusted by men's behavior
100%IIN i've been so irritable lately
33%No, connecticut, no
40%Is it normal to miss porn?
NewIs it normal for me to get mad when someone says “everything will be okay?”
NewAre you doing something exciting for christmas this year?
NewIs it normal to feel kinda like 'airy'