Newest Posts in Habits
40%IIN masturbate to inanimate objects
17%IIN i tell myself to fuck up after sneezing?
14%I dont remember doing bad things whats wrong with me
NewIin- i play competition mind games with myself
77%IIN i care too much about others than myself
17%Is it normal that i love my bellybutton
18%Is it normal that i type in caps?
67%I can't stop watching porn
20%IIN to do this when i'm menstruating?
NewIIN starbucks gets supersnotty when i ask for extra caramel
38%Flipping girl scout cookie tables
83%IIN to wrap a rubber band around my fingers when bored
86%Is it normal that i like taking the bus for no reason
NewIIN to go crazy over the taste of blood
NewIIN to have so many nervous tics
32%Is it wrong to steal overpriced stuff
100%IIN to make rules for yourself to break bad habits
44%I start shaking uncontrollably
64%Eating scabs
57%My farts smell like gasoline..
60%Is it weird that im obsessed with my own scent
100%IIN normal that i like sniffing my sweaty armpits and feet
88%Is it normal to ignore the world when im pooping
86%IIN i don't upload photos on social media
71%IIN if i scratch my balls then smell it
20%Chewing fabric gives me chills
NewIs getting over habits easier when you know vs denial
100%Is it normal to growl instead of shouting
50%IIN to accidently and often kill conversations with strangers
71%Is it normal that i flinch at most anything moving