Newest Posts in Education
76%Is it normal to skip some classes in school when i am depressed?
82%Is it normal that i regret all the time
NewIs making magazine cover design a press house work?
88%Had christmas break, back to school and 0 motivation to do anything.
NewDiagnosed autistic at 5, still no idea what that means. normal?
15%IIN to eat things to dispose of them?
NewIs it possible get loans with no credit/cosigner
76%Is my period late or just not coming
NewDo you think people are better off with a college degree?
63%IIN to want your teacher to think of you and treat you like daughter
82%Is it normal to lose focus for hours for people without adhd?
82%IIN to want to filter out trump from my news
55%Is it normal to get a university degree online
89%Is it normal to hate college?
55%IIN that every holidays
NewMe and my best friend and his friend
69%IIN to wish i could relive my school days?
44%Is it normal to miss school to avoid social interaction
73%Grieving + vulnerability = sex (for women?)
77%IIN to get annoyed by shitposters on this site?
30%If someone shoots me in the arm, should i be grateful?
79%Ex teacher crush
78%Is it normal i was so happy i cried bc i have a really good grade
77%Is it normal that i do my homework right before i go to school ?
38%I poop out my agitators, iin?
72%Can students with anxiety to be more prone to writers block than other
63%IIN to use a wheely/rolling backpack?
82%Scared to go to college?
70%I have no friends in college and feel especially depressed.
67%I try to study and i get very nervous.