Newest Posts in Education
NewStupid teachers
NewIs college is a rip off?
75%Is it normal that i cant be bothered
NewReciting homework in sleep (mind racing)
67%Is it normal size
NewCollege is making me miserable
58%Is it normal to pass children to the next grade in school who are failing?
What was the best and the worst years (grade wise) of school for you?
NewWhat's the highest education you have?
NewDid you ever have to drop out of high school?
50%IIN for professors to treat students this way?
100%College making me so depressed
86%Am i the only one who's had a dumb teacher
95%I can't focus and feel restless while studying
94%I get random εrections
100%Is it normal to hate college
28%I never use my toilet
80%Is it normal that i don't wanna get married.
38%IIN that my teacher is acting weird around me
47%IIN i lol?
35%Is it normal to think canadians lack intelligence and are cucks?
74%IIN to not want to go to college and get in debt?
50%Is it normal for my dad to ground me for a month
NewIIN oppression tug of war?
58%Is it normal i wanna quit this website?
60%IIN to be in a "limbo" after graduating college?
NewAdhd - reading bores me because it's too slow for my mind
NewHad a class where it taught almost nothing it was supposed to?
74%Is it normal i'm scared to go to school?
85%Is it normal to have so much stress that you want to quit school?