Is it normal that i'm against sex?

I think it's wrong to have sex because it exists only to keep the species alive and the part about the pleasure was added to 'trick' humans into procriating. I think love has absolutely nothing to do with sex and I'm also against French kissing. Standard, close-mouthed and quick kisses only count for showing affection if you do it with your friends as well.

To me, a lover should be like an extra-best best friend to whom you can connect psychologically and emotionally and not someone you're physically attracted to - because that's just nature's way to make you keep your species alive.

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 153 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 140 )
  • bananaface

    Eating is supposed to give us the nutrition to keep us alive, yet people eat food which is void of anything healthy just because it's tasty. Are you against eating too?

    And I fail to see how it's a trick, even if it is, I'm still for it. I really don't understand why anyone would want to deny a huge chunk of who we are, why? Also, have you heard of contraception?

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    • TerryVie

      i was thinking the same in, do we only eat and drink healthy and necessary stuff too, because anything else would be "pleasure"?

      And ascetic virtues being great and all that, why exactly is pleasure wrong? If it's very cold in winter, do i err in taking a warm bath? I mean, cleaning myself with cold water would be sufficient, the warm bubbly water is just a pleasure-extra...?

      Actually, i hope it's a troll.

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      • bananaface

        I know:/ It confuses me why sex is the thing which is always criticised, considering how often people choose pleasure over practicality:s

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        • Allistalla

          Sex is ment for procreation its only made to feel good becuase if it did not feel good poeple would not have it . The fact is weather humans want to admit it things exsist in our nature which we can not denie . These things make it are presented all the time like the fact we need food , the fact we need sleep , the fact we Want sex . Also this has created a thoery about homosexuality saying that we need gay poeple becuase the reason there is gays is becuase we are over populated and can not support the exsisting population so the fact thier is gay means less babys would be created as a women and a women cant make babys and a man and a man cant make babys . I believe in everything the OP is saying and I personaly can not date anyone I am sexually attracted to becuase its utterly disgusting .

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          • VioletTrees

            Gay couples can have children, by the way, by in vitro fertilisation (with a surrogate mother, in the case of gay men or lesbians who can't or don't want to carry children).

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            • Allistalla

              they do not have a child it does not come out of them if they do than they get it from science or from another person outside the relationship or given a character. you can not clame if a women and a women have sex they get babys and you can not say a man and a man having sex will make a baby there is no way that will ever happen so Im sorry you would be wrong in that becuase thats why they CAN NOT HAVE CHILDREN . That is the fact thats why nature made a man and a women diffrent you can not open the door without the key so no two poeple of the same gender having sex will not make a kid nomatter how much they say its a fact and nothing is going to change that as of yet .

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          • Antir0b0t

            You're probably Asexual. And have never had an orgasm.

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      • Allistalla

        Nothing is wrong with pleasure but most of the things we do are designed by instict life is science if you search long enough it will give you all the awnsers the OP has reached a REvulation that very few poeple do . I have reached this revulation aswell and it took most of the fun out of my life . Things are not so complicated things are very simple but humans like to over complicate things . Poeple have simple needs and nature has simple designs when you search and search you will soon realize what these things are and know it was never so complicated . There is simple awnsers for everything it just requires a diffrent view piont . this is absolute thinking and this is the purest view on human life . If everyone had this view of thinking I do believe we would have less trouble in the world as absolute science is science in its purest form . However the lacke of knoledge is the one thing that makes things so much more fun and creative .

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        • TerryVie

          I think you mean revelation.

          And no, it's not. Figuring out that 90% of what we do is not necessary should be obvious to anyone past elementary school.

          That does not mean live improves if you reduce it to the basics.

          As mentioned: I enjoy a warm bubble bath. I acknowledge cold water would be sufficient for cleaning. In fact, technically, going to a river and washing myself once a week would suffice from a medical viewpoint.
          Will my life become more simple, good, or true if i forgoe the pleasures offered to me? Nay, it will not. Refusing them on grounds of them not being necessary is pretential, at best.

          To both you and the OP: Communication via the internet is luxury and unnecessary, as is access to the internet itself.
          If you truly want to give up pleasure for sake of a "pure life" experience, i will gladly provide you with a banking account number and you can transfer all the money you have(which you won't need because you refuse worldly pleasures) to me, and i will gladly use it.

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          • Allistalla

            I never siad pleasure was bad but the fact things are more pleasurable when you do not realize this becuase it makes things look so much more wonderuful than thinking " Its just a rock " or that " Its just a true " ? things are so much more fun when you know nothing thats why they say " Ignorance is bliss " .

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          • Allistalla

            Poeple never think like that poeple think we have a hidden meaning in everything . Poeple got upset with the guy who did pop art becuase they thought there was something more from the time we are children we are tuaght that everything is magnificuant there is a great meaning . Sad fact is this is all a lie there is no meaning some things just exsist and some things exsist to work for something else . Poeple do not see this becuase they are biest Can there be a fact that someone could not be striaght for something other than the devil ? could something happen with science that is not against religion what if science can prove god exsists what if god is proven by science and we were invented by some alien somewere that wanted to see what he could make ? No one ever see these kind of things and the poeple who do see a alternate are shut up by the biest groups of the world ? No one can talk against these poeple becuase than the group shuns them even most scientists shun religion . What if they are the same humans can create life so why can thier not be a god ? He created us in his image what if this was a side effect? humans have such a curiosity but we refuse so many of us to see the real picture becuase we have our own belief this is what true and no one will see it becuase they are biest no one sees past thier beliefs that is the fact of most poeple . Also I would not have money to give you and I never said there was anything wrong with pleasure however I do not feel pleasure for alot of things anymore and I always fealt distance for a long time from poeple and at one piont I realized what life really was and it made things so very simple . However everything can be broken to a science and even now this is something you refuse to admit .

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        • Nola.Soul.Jah

          Im 100% with you

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          • Allistalla

            so glad there is others who see things the same way .

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    • Allistalla

      Auctully its been proven that humans crave sugar and fatty foods from instict of cave men . In the past poeple had to eat alot of sweet sugary fats becuase they could not eat for many days at a time however now we do not need to becuase we get to eat everyday so they think it was based on cavemen.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Didn't read.

    Voted not normal.

    *goes to bang husband*

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Actually, scientific studies show that sexual relations is not only good for procreation, but emotional and physiological health as well. To simply avoid having sex altogether is to deprive yourself of a wealth of chemical benefits. As users have mentioned above, it also aids in the bonding process as, while this is debatable, if one does not have sex with their partner, they cannot fully physically bond to one another, and bonding in every form is important to a relationship whether you are gay, straight or otherwise.

    But whatever works for you I guess.

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  • howaminotmyself

    It isn't nature "tricking" us. It is nature doing what it does. It is a part of life.

    Damn you tree! You tricked me into breathing. That shady mother fucker.

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  • Justsomejerk

    I feel sorry for your partner.

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  • dappled

    I actually understand where you're going with the idea of pleasure being a trick, but you really could apply the same to anything you get pleasure from.

    Sex isn't just about procreation, though. It's about bonding, pleasure itself, exercise, health, and self-discovery.

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  • foxyk

    WOW! sex is natural and just because us humans do it for pleasure does not mean it's wrong! you should try it, feels great !

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  • ebonysky

    You're a troll! Who thinks shit like this? Lol! And you can't spell. Stop beating off using ur tears as lubrication and get out and meet people. Loser

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  • Thewomanizer

    OMG, I THINK EXACTLY THE SAME :D well not exactly but very similar, like i think the human population should be able to produce in some sort of other way than having to do it. and also love has nothing to do with sexy time

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  • eluros

    Sheldon cooper is that you?
    (anyone who have seen the big bang theory will get it)

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  • dom180

    I still don't understand why you want to deny natural instinct :P

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  • thatcake

    I agree completely about the pleasure part.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I'm confused

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  • Jasmina

    Religious problems ??

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  • DarkMatter

    You wanna make us humans extinct?!!!

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  • Crapper

    Op said they hate themself

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    • No, I don't think the OP said that (OP's still around, biatches).

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  • wasjusthinkin

    IIiiii don't know what all you people are arguing about, but uh....Sex is FANTASTIC!...Love is good too. May burn a little sometimes...But it's good.

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  • TooPure

    Hey I think it's normal, to like 1% people, to me too. *Highfive* Doesn't mean I don't want it though :/

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  • Loh

    I suggest you go read the bible. Have fun making babies with psychologie.

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    • I. Hate. The. Bible. And I hate even more that people automatically assume I'm against sex because of religious reasosn.

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      • Loh

        So you're a non believer?

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        • I don't know, really, but I do believe in anything, I think religion shouldn't affect the way we act.

          But anyways, I was brought up by a Catholic family and have nothing against Catholicism itself, I just hate the Bible.

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  • izakthegoomba

    Umm, what? Yes, sex exists primarily to allow us to reproduce, further our genetics and our species. I fail to see your problem with that, perhaps you could explain it a bit more clearly?

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    • Care to read my reply to VioletTrees? I think it would help you understand :)

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      • izakthegoomba

        Well it's certainly clearer now, but I'm still not sure why you believe that. What is the problem with seeking pleasure, exactly?

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        • None, but you should get pleasure from things that were made for that. Using sex to get pleasure is like cutting cheese with scissors.

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          • izakthegoomba

            Um. No, it's not. Cutting cheese with scissors is slow, inefficient, and yields no benefit over cutting it with a knife.

            Having sex for pleasure, on the other hand, yields very clear benefits, especially for those with a high sex drive.

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            • But sex drive was made so we feel the need to have sex for pleasure. I think someone up there commented that using contraceptive methods is tricking the trickster, which is true.

              Sex was made so pleasurable so people will do it to get pleasure, but then they'll end up having kids and keeping the species alive. Contraceptives came waaay after whoever created us thought of that and are indeed a way of tricking the trickster.

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  • TeatheLeeDo

    I tell you, a little info can truly make people stupid! All these non-sensical circular arguments, and you're trying to seem enlightened through it all, lol

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  • penal_colony

    feeling very sorry for you...

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  • VioletTrees

    I don't think post really explains why the OP is against sex. Do you feel that sexual pleasure is your body betraying you? I just don't understand why thinking sexual pleasure is the body's way of making you want to reproduce would make you against sex.

    Also, are you against sex for everyone, or just for yourself? If it's just you, that's fine. Do what makes you happy. If you're applying it to other people, though, you should consider rethinking your mindset. Sex makes some people happy. What's wrong with that?

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    • Okay, maybe you're right, I guess my post isn't that clear. i wish I could edit it :P

      What I really meant is that sex is only okay if reprodution is intended by it, because that's what it was created for. It wasn't created for pleasure, that was only added so people wouldn't let the species die. Is that better?

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      • VioletTrees

        Clearer, yes, thanks. Is this for religious reasons?

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        • 'Welcome :) Nope, I ain't religious.

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          • VioletTrees

            So why does the idea of what sex was "intended" for matter to you? If you get tested regularly and have protected sex with people who also get tested regularly, your chances of disease and unwanted pregnancy are extremely low. Why isn't it ok, as long as nobody's getting hurt?

            When I was 14, I was raped. Everybody deals with rape differently, but for me, having sex in the following years was a big part of recovery and reclaiming power over my body. Was that sex not "okay" because it wasn't for reproduction?

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            • I think religion and philosophy/thinking about teh origin of thing and all that are different things. The second one I do care about.

              It...well, I guess it is okay, I'm not foolish enough to believe people will suddenly stop having sex, but I THINK it's kind of wrong to use something in a way it wasn't inteded to be used...You can use scissors to cut cheese, but you're aware that that's not what you should be doing.

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  • coolio75650932

    :D €===3

    go suck a dick!

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    • No, hon, that goes against my point of view ^^

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      • coolio75650932

        i still agree with you all sex does is keap the human race alive but sex can be pleasuradle if you have the pill or a condom (real experience i used to wear condoms but now i dont me and my gf want a baby and we hope its a girl :3) the go suck a dick thing was a joke

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        • It's cool...But that's exactly what I don't agree with, sex is for reproduction, not pleasure.

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          • coolio75650932

            lol then have sex and help us populate the earth :3

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            • No, thanks, love, in addition to my hatred for the human race, there is my hatred for babies aaaand my hatred for pregnancy. And my hatred for being a woman ^^

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  • sograceful

    I'm just taking a wild guess but.... did you views come from some branch of religion? A lot of branches of the Christian church and such teach views like these but in actuality, it's wrong IMO. God created sex to be an intimate, sexy, awesome, fun, amazing thing to do with someone you love. No reason to feel guilty or think its wrong! It's right! :)

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    • No, I'm not religious. What branches? I wanna know more about that stuff now, lol

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      • sograceful

        Depends on the church... But usually just the older more conservative sides. Especially, I've found, in certain branches of Catholicism. Not all, but you get what I'm saying.

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        • Yep, I get it, thanks :)

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  • Aleks85

    It's not a trick my penis has a mind of its own separate from my own, true story.

    By the way, you never explained why you wish for the human race to cease to exist which is what would happen if intercourse completely stopped.

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  • x1frosty16

    And the only people I could see saying that are people who aren't attractive, have no friends and no personality, are 12 years old, and can get no one to love them lol

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  • x1frosty16

    So does this mean you cheat on your significant other with everyone you have a conversation and bond with lol you cheater I can't believe you are talking to us right now

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    • No, dude, my significant other would be someone I can get along with REALLY well- better than I get along with anyone else.

      But I guess what you're getting at is that without kissing or having sex you don't really choose who you're dating. So, I say that there are other, more significant, ways to prove you like someone better than the rest.

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  • Boo!

    Did you know men can get prostate cancer if they don't have enough sex. Sex is good. Have you ever had sex?

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  • zackattack

    The thing is though when you have sex, a lot of the time it creates a special bond. Say for example we all went by your idea. We had a platonic best friend and then someone to pro-create with. We'd naturally begin to develop a stronger bond with fk buddy, just because what we do with them is a lot more fun. That's why friends with benefits rarely works.

    Also you should develop a relationship with the person you have a child with, so the child can have the best possible upbringing.

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    seems like you're more against the continuation of human species. Then, you talk about kissing. That confused me a little because it then became about being against pleasure

    then you brought it back to "To me, a lover should be like an extra-best best friend to whom you can connect psychologically and emotionally and not someone you're physically attracted to - because that's just nature's way to make you keep your species alive. "

    I see your point if you are talking about the being against procreation.

    I think it is selfish to have kids. is that what you're trying to get at??

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    • What I was saying is that it's only 'okay' to have sex if you want to have children, because that's what sex is really for.

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      • FrancoisDillinger

        ah, i misunderstood.

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    You and my ex would get along all too well :-P You both have issues with affection.

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  • Corleone


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  • KeddersPrincess

    Relationships/love all of that is created so for reproduction. When you are attracted to someone that too is the human instinct to reproduce. Love is the human instinct to reproduce, whether you do make babies or not. That's why it's there. We can make the choice whether we want to have sex or not, but what it all boils down to in the end is sex and the need to continue the species. It's a part of out nature.

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  • Dizzee

    I mostly agree, but I would at least like to snuggle with my partner. I'm very uncomfortable with sex and kissing, but if I do end up finding someone, I might do a little something- something with them.

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  • Pomplamooselover

    Well you could kiss!! Don't be scared about that! But you could wait for sex until your married.

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  • BlueAlice

    You're a Barlow Boy/Barlow Girl, then!

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  • What Bananaface said. Also, we now have protection, so we can stop the reproduction part. We have birth control, so when we have sex, we trick the trickster.

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    Life is to short for bullshit like it as much as you can,its fun.

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  • jucedaguy

    If it helps you to be happy living that way, who the bloody hell am I too judge? Be happy to be yourself. You are "normal" because you are an individual and a human being. No two humans are the same so how can we really define normal?

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  • Allistalla

    I completly agree with the OP they are right in everything they say I agree with all of it . Its true and I have come to the same conclusion in my study of poeple over the years .

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  • Allistalla

    Oh I really wish I knew who the OP was . They have reached a higher level of understanding a pure view not clouded by biest beliefs a true open mind . A person like that is beyond this world and has reached true enlightenment the fact that this world has others who believe in this same Ideal is wonderful . I am so happy to know that this world has someone like this someone else who understands the truth .

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    • bananaface

      Oh, shush, you! You sound like a crazed fanatic. How is disregarding human nature open minded or unbiased? You really are a fool, although I'm not entirely sure what I expected.

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      • Allistalla

        No not really I am not disregarding human nature I am saying everything we do is human nature and we just dont realize it and the fact poeple find something more wonderful is pushing us foward is not true as everthing is very simple we do not understand it yet .

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        • lolol555

          While your horrific grammar and spelling has me greatly confused on what points you're trying to get across, you're really not backing up yourself at all.

          Ahem, "everything"? You do realize we're not all the same right? Or do you not know the actual definition of human nature?

          Also you're contradicting yourself, if something is to be considered "simple" it means it's generally easy to understand. If people do not understand it, then it is not considered to be "simple".

          Please understand the human language above the level of a toddler and then try to tell people then you've understand the meaning of life/sex or whatever.

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          • Allistalla

            If that is the case than you would not eat, you would not sleep and making children is out of the question ? I think you would die if you denie all this right ? now to mention you will not live in a city and will never talk to people and die on a island somewhere in the middle of the sea . I guess you will never think again and sit and die and human or animal contact is out of the question . So if we follow that we should sit in a corner till we starve to death and i do not think that is very fun and I say if you apply human nature to things everything we set up is very logical . Communities as flawed as they are now are still a area with people and things that grow and live together . They would do this in nature with wild animals we are just like dogs and cats except we evolved to survive the food chain .people keep trying to fix this they can not they try to make children not hyper by drugging them up when the fact is they need to exercise . we want children to sit still when they will not . People will have sex but logic indicates that we have a child afterwards so people should think before they have sex. The fact people refuse to understand this is what creates problems . People go around fucking anything and have children but than think what should I do with this kid ? I’m only 14 I can not take care of it ? See logic is in all of this ? but since people refuse to except logic problems like this will continue to arise . see may be if poeple would think about the fact a 14 can not care for a kid before they did it . Think that humanity has bases in our primative insticts . poeple would not have so many issues .

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            • lolol555

              If what is the case? Me disagreeing on the so-called "simplest answer"? If there's no "simple answer" we would not eat? Ah but that is incorrect because there isn't a simple answer with humanity. Our intellectual and emotional intelligence have definitely complicated matters further than just; eat, reproduce, survive, ect.

              Look, definition of human nature:
              The general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans.

              Simply the similarities. You can't apply "similarities" to everything. Not only is it not logical, it doesn't make any grammatical or coherent sense.

              Well obviously health is a factor, this is already known but due to how people were raised and their environment there's no simple way for everyone to be perfectly mentally and physically healthy.

              Logic indicates? Ahem, no our bodies reproductive organs indicate. Have you ever heard of contraception and adoption? Weather they go around "fucking" or not, idiotic people will find a person they "love" and settle down with yet completely raise their children to be mentally and/or physically unhealthy. It's not simply a matter of "fucking around" as you put it.

              "Humanity has bases in our primitive instincts" well I can't really think about it because it makes no grammatical sense and I'm having difficulties translating your sentence to actually make sense. It's not complicated, it literally does not translate into English I'm afraid. You mean it's linked? It's based on? If it was purely based on these instincts there would still be problems as there is in the wild. I suppose the solution would be more simple, kill or be killed but... Do you really think with our advanced intellect and empathy we would become primitive? This is a "solution"?

              There. I want to debate with you but I'm having trouble understanding you. It's like you're speaking in dutch and I have crappy Google translate.

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          • Allistalla

            I am agreeing with human nature I am saying that is the motivation in case you do not get it yet . I am saying we act based on our instict but poeple refuse to see that and apperently you do not agree with human nature as you seem to want to go against it ?

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            • lolol555

              Human nature is the motivation? I disagree, human nature is simply the similarities humans share. Where's the motivation in that? Our motivation, in my opinion, is emotions and our physical needs.

              "Instinct"? Instinct only covers so much. There's no instinct for going into a nice restaurant for some food you would prefer. Instead, there's merely an instinct for getting food to survive and not pleasure.

              Please tell me where I said I didn't agree with "human nature" (that doesn't even make grammatical sense)? I disagreed with your statement and questioned if you actually knew what it meant (that's what definition means).

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          • Allistalla

            No we are not all the same but we all fall into categories no matter what . they have bacteria , they have mammals, they have reptiles and amphibian they are all under this category because they have something to identify them as such . So we all have something linking us as human . Also I mean to say everything isnt that complicated some things are just that love is not a fantastic thing and sex is not something magical and grand . They are basic human functions now this all can be put together and cause problems but the fact is the thing that creates our issues is the Dilemma that humans themselves create . Political correctness, values, standards and these all make us biest when the truth is we have very simple beginnings and these are the keys to everything we do . People make everything more complicated than it has to be when it does not always have to we create problems for ourselves and for others because we do not understand the simple rules . On top of that most humans are very impulsive and will drop a hat at a whim this is all madness but madness creates more madness and in the end we have a answer but the simplest answers will always be over looked because in so many cases we are expecting more when with most things its always one little tiny thing . This is a outlook most people do not have and will never understand. I myself choose to ignore it makes me so sad to think about .

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            • lolol555

              Alright, before I even read your 3 comments I'm going to firstly apologize for insulting you at the end. It was immature and unnecessary, I was stressed at the time it's not personal.

              Anyway, I'm going to read and respond to your points now.

              Indeed, we're not. I was not disagreeing we didn't have a link I was disagreeing with your statement of "everything we do is human nature" this means that everything we do is the same because the definition of human nature entails that it's shared by all humans. Everything we do isn't exactly the same as everyone else.

              "Complication"? The view of sex and love being wonderful is an opinion and one generally considered not to be a complicated one as it is merely describing the two things positively. If your opinion is different, I disagree that it means you've come above humanity and discovered "what life is all about".

              Problems? Yes. But doesn't EVERYTHING cause problems? Eating causes problems because if someone eats it means there's less food for someone else, the same could be said for breathing because someone else is using oxygen that others want which could also cause arguments and dilemmas.

              Simple beginnings? On the contrary, scientists find this very difficult to understand how the separate atoms, chemical reactions and how everything started with their various theories (one to name would be the flawed "primordial soup") on how it all began. To this day we don't know the answer.

              "Simple rules"? Of what, morale? Morale is differed from place to place and nowhere can you really "make rules" and expect them to be easily followed. In my opinion, there is no absolute rules. There are many shades of gray and what is considered good and bad is greatly differed depending on how you were raised/your environment, ect.

              Well, that's just how humans are. Emotions will be emotions. I don't think they can ever be solved unless emotions are wiped out completely or drawn down to a minimum. But then, what would we be living for? We would simply be mindless zombies striving for things with no reason. No point. What will we get out of it? Oh sure, it'd be more efficient and we'd make a tower quicker. But then what? What pleasure/satisfaction does this tower give us with no emotions?

              I'm just going to reply to the other two separately, because it seems you've "changed opinions"?

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    • Corleone

      You're being ironic, right?

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      • Allistalla

        Ironic ? I am being serioues life is simple and the OP has figured this out .

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        • Corleone

          If life is that simple, then she shouldn't make such a fuss about sex.

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          • Yes, we have to make a fuss, because life IS simple, but people think it's not, so we're trying to open humanity's eyes.

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            • Corleone

              Look, maybe you think you've got life all figured out. But what makes you say you have to 'open our eyes'? You think you've got the keys on how to live a good life, and you're arrogant enough to think that gives you the authority to tell others what to do.

              You don't know me, and you don't know life. So don't go around telling us what to do. If I love someone, then I'll show my affection in any way I see fit, thank you.

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      • Allistalla

        who is to say god was just bored and put us on this earth to see what would happen ?

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        • Antir0b0t

          Your opinions suck.

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          • Allistalla

            Oh why thankyou so does yours .

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            • Antir0b0t

              You're welcome :)

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      • Allistalla

        Most things have a simple motive to it but poeple think its so much more . Ask why did god make us if there is one " maybe he wanted to see if he could " ?

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