Music & Entertainment
Newest Posts in Music & Entertainment
75%IIN john lennon’s songs make me very sentimental?
25%Help i'm addicted. its lame i know
78%Angry when people falsify my talents?
84%IIN that i hate rap music?
NewJojo question
NewWho was your least favorite character on 'two and a half men'?
90%Remembering the first season of a tv show more clearly than later seasons
Ariana grade has a beautiful voice but the topics are all the same?
80%IIN i didn’t understand the lord of the rings books when i first read them?
92%IIN to enjoy mysterious music
Question for pinterest users
100%Is it normal to listen to soft rock?
50%IIN i’ve been obsessed with bindi irwin lately?
47%IIN to want to start a minecraft song cover band
50%Do you think television is a vehicle for good?
75%IIN i regret not being a fan of steve irwin as a kid?
67%I don't hate them, but i just can't go crazy over txt or blackpink
77%Is it normal for an adult to enjoy children's music?
90%IIN i love the sound of bagpipes?
NewWhat do people think about billie eilish?
59%Patrick stewart looks like an old asian tranny
71%Self-conscious at event where everyone looks like you
100%IIN i want a basement where i can screen monster movies?
44%Historically inaccurate disney princess costumes bother me
NewMusic poll
65%I want to record the sound of my ejaculation
50%IIN to listen to the same song 30+ times a day for 2 years now?
100%IIN to like the dragonball franchise as a girl/woman?
NewPoll: who is the hottest female mcu hero?
53%Is it normal to have the vocal range of...