Music & Entertainment
Newest Posts in Music & Entertainment
How should i start listening to kpop
NewPoll: which is the scariest movies from the 1970s?
60%IIN that i am obsessed with this?
Why does the pride parade have to be so depraved?
NewWhat was the best star trek series?
NewBest adult cartoon?
NewWill ea battlefront 2 be good? thoughts
50%Does anyone remember the nick cartoon kablam?
What is your favorite cartoon character?
Epic movies and tv series
Is it normal that i am a girl who loves gore and snuff films?
NewPoll: which one of these shock rockers is the best?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?
33%IIN that i want to watch evil dead 2 but i am afraid?
58%Is it wrong for me to enjoy extreme horror
20%Spiderman homecoming is the worst marvel movie ever
40%IIN that when i go running with music it sounds slower than usual?
39%IIN for people to keep tv's on all damn day (and night)? wtf?
79%IIN that i like bohemian rhapsody
50%IIN that i must watch 1776: the musical today it's july 4th
67%Is it normal to not see what you cannot unsee?
50%Is it normal to think that tupac is bland and stupid?
25%IIN i don't like super mario brothers 3?
71%I think most music is prolefeed trash. is that normal?
74%Is it normal to think that the beatles aren't that great?
44%IIN most movies are unwatchable to me because no one talks over each other?
NewPoll: who is the most beautiful female star wars character?
75%I honestly hate when people say "i don't get why people like _____"
80%IIN i like to watch gross movies?
100%I wait forever to watch movies i actually want to see