Urges & Desires
Newest Posts in Urges & Desires
73%To like the taste of your own blood?
I watch best gore videos and it’s ok
14%I shower at truck stops and dump my shit on the floor before i leave
85%Is it normal..
NewIIN i do this
62%Which antidepressant is best at killing crushes?
NewDoes anyone have sudden repulsion syndrome
89%Is ok for a man to play with is ass and use a anal toy
69%I don't know why i'm obsessed about wolves
38%Is it normal to like furry porn more than normal porn
88%Is it normal to feel jealous of albert einstein's god-like intellect?
38%Is it normal to hate myself when i'm sober?
40%Crush acting strange af
88%IIN that shy men turn me on?
50%IIN i’m gaining a celebrity crush on katie leung?
69%Is it weird
Where do you hope to be in 5 years?
75%I really like tight spaces?
NewQuestion for all the girls -- if one of your guy friends
66%IIN to feel aroused by the idea of being hypnotized and abused?
24%I want piercings all over my body, am i nuts?
53%I tried cutting my hair to make it look like bts hair, is this crazy?
33%Is it normal that i really wanna try waterboarding?
89%Cracking the joints in your fingers
54%Im sick and tired of american goverment
67%IIN that i really want to date my professor?
83%I prefer to date petite women rather than curvy women
59%IIN to sniff used panties?
89%IIN i wish that i could snap my fingers and make people go away
50%My sexy ratty wife and i