Appearance & Clothing
Newest Posts in Appearance & Clothing
44%IIN to be wearing medical braces and casts?
71%Is it normal that i always feel like looking at people's legs?
NewWhat part of the female body do you find most attractive?
67%Was i right to be offended?
NewAre plaid skirts inappropriate for a kids party?
NewHow physically attractive do you think you are overall?
100%Is it normal i have blonde and light brown arm hair?
NewDoes your id card have a current picture of you?
NewIs it normal for a man to wear short shorts in public?
82%Is it normal i find busty women in sexy wedding dresses attractive?
70%I look really young
100%IIN to be attracted to female newscasters?
92%IIN that college boy got a boner looking at me?
NewIf you looked young for your age would you use
NewWhat do you think of low rise pants and skirts?
NewWhich of these hair + eye color-combination is hotter on a woman?
57%IIN to paint your body and go naked in public?
NewFor women: do you think thongs and strings are comfortable ?
NewIIN for a guy to have a snoopy tattoo on his butt?
82%IIN i get turned on by women in bikinis but not completely nude?
50%Paras patel (a.k.a. saint matthew) kinda hot
81%IIN that i see people who wear lots of makeup as insecure?
100%A very short dress with big puffy sleeves when overweight?
44%IIN for my 60 year old stepdad to go barefoot in public?
25%IIN for my 60 year old stepdad to wear skinny jeans with holes
If you are a girl and not so good looking
90%Is it normal that i don’t want to be seen in my pajamas?
40%Is it normal that i wear pantyhose as a man?
90%Is it normal to be turned-off by pierced nipples?
NewIIN he said straight people can't wear rainbows?