Newest Posts in Fears
29%I fear losing someone close to me the second they're not
Im gonna be homeless
NewLandlord trying get rid of my transportation(help)
46%Is it normal to be afraid of mold/moss/fungus?
53%Is it normal that i really hate feet?
There's absolutely no heat without you
86%Is there any way to get rid of thalassophobia?
What does it feel like?
I'm scared
NewMy stepdad makes me uncomfortable
22%IIN 5g frightens me?
58%IIN to fear turtlenecks
100%Is it normal be anxious
18%IIN that they followed him or weird?
21%I am never going out after what happened
57%Is it normal that i fear of the girls ?
36%Is it normal to feel unsafe on untranslated japanese websites?
95%I hate it when my parents enter my room while im voice chatting
67%I’m so frightened of going blind
50%Is it normal that i am feared of caterpillars
100%I want to call my friend.
The humiliation of a man's life
84%Is it normal to fear death?
NewAm i dying
42%Ahhh bug in my ear.................
25%It is not what they said it would be and i am worried
20%Is it normal that i get scared of footsteps?
20%Weirdo calling me, telemarketing or prank caller ?
50%IIN to be terrified of bees?
86%IIN i am too nervous to attend my therapy appointments?