Newest Posts in Fears
50%IIN that i pointlessly go to the gym
62%I'm about to go to college and am still afraid of the dark
48%Is it normal i can't shit with my girlfriend home
30%Is it normal to be burned by normal sunlight
NewWhat's your favorite thing to make art on
56%IIN to be afraid of being in a car
56%IIN that well into my late teens
60%IIN my biggest fear is getting drunk in public
69%Is it normal that i feel so sad and lonely all the time
100%Is it normal that i cry when im scared
75%Is it normal that i like every girl i see en my school
50%Is it normal that i'm scared to bite my nails
64%Is it normal to go to sleep
92%Is it normal that i'm afraid to drive
NewIIN why is my stepdaughter such a bitch
83%Been going through a bad cycle of anxiety again, iin stress rash
90%Is it normal to be afraid i will lose him
NewAm i selfish if i leave my addict boyfriend
NewShould i kill myself
95%Is it normal i am not afraid to die
50%Is it normal i'm back in grade nine
75%IIN i am starting to want my friend bad
33%IIN for a gay guy to not want to date a gay ftm trans
50%To think i want to kill myself
50%IIN panic disorder comes & goes & what do i do
NewI don't like being touched by a family member
94%I talk to myself all the time specially when i am upset
100%IIN i get anxious just by thinking of anxiety
43%Is it normal i'm afraid to comment for this reason?
32%Will losing my virginity affect my future?