Newest Posts in Habits
84%My car, my own little world.
33%Am i the only one who disagrees with this method of tv watching?
27%I slobber over the back of my fingers, then smell it. is that normal?
46%IIN to subconscoiusly answer everything with the number seven?
18%Is it normal that i masturbate while...
90%Is it normal to chew my fingers when i have anxiety?
33%Is it normal to scratch walls?
72%Is it normal to lick toilet paper before using it?
79%Is it normal that i don't like walking behind other people
NewMy partner sets an alarm for 10pm nigthly, should i be alarmed?
83%I like sleeping naked (boy) and humping a stuffed animal
26%Is it normal that i have to shade in my o's?
34%Is it normal that i bite my cat?
74%IIN that i daydream everyday and all night b4 bed about being with guy
80%Is it normal to be hyperfocus
80%I stick a long perfume bottle in my pussy 6 times a day..is it normal
73%Is it normal to keep my phone between my legs and hope for a call?
50%To touch something then have to touch the other side of it, iin?
58%Cum drinking, iin?
100%Is it normal that i want to listen to really relaxing or cool
68%Beasty videos, iin?
61%Is it normal to pee in your bathtub
20%I take dumps standing up, iin?
75%Is it normal to masturbate 2 times a day?
50%Too sock people in the back of their heads at rock shows?
51%Is it normal to lie on is it normal?
83%Is it normal to fine yourself wasting time on this site?
65%Is it normal to visit is it normal?
33%Is it normal if i like to be smother with pillow???
48%Is it normal to eat lube?