Newest Posts in Habits
93%Is it normal to look at porn websites daily??
85%Is it normal to prefer even numbers
81%Shower heat ocd
93%Is it normal for ordinary gay to like foot fetish?
96%Is it normal to enjoy being naked outdoors?
57%IIN my fathers best friend took my used panty liners from the garbage?
25%IIN to sock people in the back of their heads at rock shows?
31%My friend often touches himself in front of his friends
46%Is it normal: to whip my...
72%Is it normal that i pretend to be someone else?
57%Is it normal to take off all your clothes before using the toilet?
50%IIN to masturbate?
88%Is it normal that i love my girlfriends ass smells?
88%Eating my own cum iin?
81%Biting girlfriend
26%Is it normal to like to bite little kids cheeks
25%Is it normal to masturbate with your penis through a chainlink fence
NewDo you always look at your poop after a dump
71%Is it normal that i google different types of disorders?
64%Is it normal that i force myself to do things in my mind?
80%IIN to spend all day in my bed?
NewIs it normal to put crisps in my vag
78%I obsess over saying the wrong thing
73%Is it normal i talk to bugs when i kill them?
41%Is it normal that i still rock myself to sleep?
66%IIN that i add numbers i see together faster than i can write them?
22%Is eating tissue normal?
79%Is it normal that i like when people sit on my head?
71%IIN that desire not to lose a deal is the reason i do right things?
23%Is it normal poo on gravestones