Newest Posts in Habits
17%IIN that i do stupid things to annoy on purpose?
25%IIN that i use the hov lane in rush hour even when its only me in the car?
88%IIN not to use the predictive text when typing something in a search engine
29%Is it normal i pick at skin/nails as often as i do?
73%Is it normal to look/stare all over a person's face when they're talking?
75%Is it normal to be very average?
100%IIN i'm a woman who stares at other women's breasts and thighs?
88%Is it normal that i hold my head up with a water bottle?
100%Is it normal that i can taste the smell?
90%IIN to read your old text
NewI wanna raise up her tail and take a long large sniff of her butt?
100%IIN to be able to see things in double vision at will?
80%IIN to mute online radio more than listen to it?
92%IIN to put off watching a film cos it's too good to watch at just any time?
NewWhat do you use the tv for?
Is it normal for me to be so upset about my husbands smoking?
10%Is it normal to pick my scabies and eat them
38%To act like a cat
92%Bring back profile pics
100%Bring back profile pics
50%Cancel out other people's likes/dislikes?
90%Bust in 10 minutes
85%Is it normal to fantasize out loud when alone?
75%Is it normal to shave the majority of my body?
70%Is it normal i like to stick bobby pins in my ears
64%Is it normal to love collecting almost everything
44%Is it normal i have a weird tongue habit
89%IIN to think society would be better if burps and farts were unstoppable?
93%Is it normal that i stroke my pubes when i'm relaxing?
NewWhich presidents do you think did the most blow and tokes