Newest Posts in Habits
76%Is it normal to pretend to be your own made up character?
56%Have a silk addiction
75%To want to wash my sheets & towels twice
20%Is it normal to like to do it
60%Is it normal to eat your skin
100%Is it normal that i enjoy lone walks at night?
11%Is it normal to eat tobacco pulled out from cigarettes?
40%IIN to feel sick after sex?
71%I am wasting my life at iin. is this normal?
50%I want to help emigrate to europe?
29%They took my hot cocoa away
42%Is it normal to enjoy wearing dog collars?
38%Is it crossdressing, or is annieurok real?
29%Is it normal that i like to eat dead skin?
23%My dad electrocuted me with exposed wire
Is it normal that i piss when i'm aroused
33%I can't stop obsessing over wwii rapes
67%Is it normal to wear scottish clothes &c because you're scottish?
42%IIN to post things when u have nothing to share and then delete them
67%Is it normal to put stickers on your computer?
42%Every time i drink from a plastic water bottle
93%Men suddenly become quiet when solving a math problem
67%Is it normal that i chew skin on the sole?
70%IIN my bad habit of staring?
80%Get jealouse when someone says something funny
38%Is it normal to pee in the kitchen sink?
54%Is it normal to chew toe nails
55%Is it normal i love touching myself?
62%IIN i think they should take that british infant off life support?
29%My gf and i don't wash up after sex, iin?