Newest Posts in Hygiene
27%Is it normal for your turds to stick to the toilet bowl?
89%I like the smell of my crotch today
11%My gf is asking me to wipe her ass after she shits. is it normal?
76%Is it normal to brush your teeth in the shower?
100%IIN i don't feel i want to have sex unless i am in love and
Male full body waxing and brazilian waxing
73%Is it normal to 'trim' your nails by just ripping it from side to side?
Straight hair turned curlier/wavier
33%When to reveal sexuality
21%Letting things go instead of fixing them
The right toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss for who i am
100%IIN to never recieve dick picks online
NewIIN that i have frequent tonsil stones?
20%Is it normal to clean the inside of your butt?
40%Does women's ass smell less than men's
What was the longest u went without showering
Is it normal that i love eating pussy with smegma?
NewWhere do you start scrubbing first when showering
42%IIN that my moms breath almost made me vomit?
100%IIN for my skin to swell days after being injected?
77%Kid developing british accent
20%IIN ugly people are more likely to cheat
88%Dog jumps in pond. stinky
62%Saw a tranny qt the goodwill
It's normal to scrub your toilet
91%IIN i hate public toilets
17%IIN i don’t brush my teeth
47%IIN i shower at the pool to save money
11%IIN i don’t wipe my ass
100%Is it normal for dried saliva to have a slight smell even with good breath