Newest Posts in Hygiene
I'm back to the roll-on like things used to be
88%My boyfriend and i share the same products?
34%Do you pee in hotel pools?
80%IIN that i like to layer my deodorant?
20%I can't do much house work cause i get back pain?
NewGirls, are you satisfied with having your period
25%IIN landlord got upset at me for messy house but not other tenent?
50%India an open sewer
If you're stinking the room out, you need to hit the shower
100%How to clean the toilet
33%Wiping is disgusting
Knowing when to clean the toilet
78%Is it normal to shower once every 3 days?
95%IIN that i pick my nose..?
45%Why do i still smell?
Dear people with long fake nails:
67%Is it normal to not use conditioner?
74%Should i get my balls waxed?
43%Wear shoes in the house?
39%Gay people annoy me
71%Is it normal to have hairs inside the anus
67%Is it normal that vagina smells like ass sometimes?
IIN that i can't poop without doing my pooping rituals?
83%I twist tp or paper towels into tubes and spin them around in my nostrils
NewWould you rather die of aids or tertiary syphilis
Constantly washing hands after touching the excretions of a comatose body?
75%IIN for neutrogena hyaleuronic acid moisture serum to feel sticky asf
Why do girls pretend they don't fart?
NewIIN to wax your legs using duct tape?
40%Is it normal i feel no different in a tidy house than a messy one?