Newest Posts in Hygiene
77%Is it normal i like to push out my period blood?
74%Is it normal for daily hygeine to be exhausting?
64%Men who only rely on women..
41%IIN for the smell of strangers' poop to traumatize you
86%Not all fat people smell
86%People that smoke, smell bad
17%IIN that i never cleaned under my foreskin?
NewIIN for girls to wash their hair in the urinals?
89%IIN skip bathing a few days
80%I saw some guy spit on the ground in front of me the other day
33%Men's and women's nails
NewIIN to be spitting up gunk for 15 mins after cleaning teeth?
75%My apt is close to being a hoarderer.. how fix?
45%Should i start waxing, or keep shaving?
Queef stuck inside me?
68%Is it normal to wipe from the front
50%Before covid hardly ever washed my hands
18%IIN to use the same toothbrush to brush your teeth and scrub the toilet?
NewOk i'll just say it cause no one has the balls
50%Fear death because your bedroom is a complete mess
NewHow much time and attention to do you pay to your hair?
Using body wash and shower gel instead of soap to avoid smelliness
NewI hate maintaining my body, but it does not show
55%I think my natural hair smell is amazing
100%IIN to feel like foamy soap doesn't work as well as liquid soap?
100%It is normal
NewIs it normal that
NewDo you like?
13%Is it normal for my scrotum to be so irritated?
NewI've decided to sleep in my outdoor clothes