Newest Posts in Observations
88%IIN people argue over the internet?
70%IIN that this website doesn't tell you when the poster is commenting?
62%Amberlynn reid is too fat
29%I think there are ghosts at my home
67%Are fugees muslims raping europe?
14%I don't have sympathy for most poor people
88%Is it normal to look at the people in a passing car and stare?
29%What is the cause behind chronically indecisive ppl
NewIIN that i'm only happy when it rains?
64%What are your priorities in anwersing iin questions?
50%What is your personality type on the myers- briggs scale?
NewIIN to want a refund for crappy entertaiment at son's wedding?
29%Are trady chicks more likely to be gay or bi?
Who here thinks we should eliminate all coins and change
82%Is a 145 iq considered a high score?
50%IIN that my feet are never cold?
50%Would it be normal to bring “bodyguard/security/protection” everyday
80%IIN that i can't mentally picture world war 1 in color?
100%IIN to feel physically lighter after taking a massive dump?
NewDo you feel sorry for bill cosby going to state prison ?
Why muslims don't eat pork ?
67%IIN that..i go out, and often think..i'm better than this?
60%IIN i keep running out of thumbs
NewCurrent iin population gender
36%IIN that i am a piece of shit?
50%I believe one day at a bookstore..
How bad was michigan with segregation compared to other states?
89%People keep posting exactly what i'm thinking
59%IIN as a female i don't support me too
70%IIN i am creeped out by apartment buildings?