Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
43%Is it normal to hate it when people use a prefix as an abbreviation?
People who forget promises they made then forget it
62%Just one little bark from a dog..
57%It shits me that vlc player
61%IIN that i hate all my neighbours to death
NewCalling all parents and teachers of iin
67%Is it normal to hear the other side of a cell phone conversation?
79%Is it normal to hate being a conversation starter?
40%I'm so sick of hearing about death
33%Is it normal for people pull out in front of you,
53%People get mad when i stand up for myself
NewIn the last 4-5 years i am really really sick of hearing
40%IIN that hearing is the one sense people do not mind offending?
85%What do men want
27%Northern ireland
88%Itn to always remind someone to wash their hands before making food?
33%IIN i hat cats licking
38%IIN to be annoyed by being surrounded by the opposite sex a lot?
57%IIN guns in horror stories usually bug me?
82%IIN that whistling hurts my ears?
NewIs it possible to report a user?
88%Just a statement
43%IIN that i hate seeing anyone barefoot
I strongly hate internet thugs
30%Is it normal that i get uncomfortable around socks?
25%Germs on my sponge
NewDoes heteronormativity bother you?
71%I hate it when straight men ask "is it gay?" when it's obviously not
67%Is it normal that i become overly angry towards this person?
30%Is it normal to lie about mental illness in online communities?