Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
Why do they care? (just ranting)
55%Is it normal to hate people of the same gender as you? (tl;dr below)
100%IIN that i find this annoying?
NewGirlfriend and peeing in the sink
88%IIN that i think being a parent is not an entitlement
88%IIN music in porn videos give me second hand embarrassment
82%Is it normal that i hate english people?
71%Why do people do this?
91%IIN i'm tired of justice warriors?
14%IIN to wet hands every time i drink from fountain?
41%Is it normal to hate having hair?
61%Do unnecessary abbreviations drive anyone else insane?
62%IIN i like damsels in distress?
85%IIN i don’t think i can take care of other living things
47%IIN to feel irritated constantly
65%I hate when someone says 'am i the only one'
33%IIN that i want to give a smack to other peoples mardy bairns?
59%Is it normal that i despise people who pretend to be the opposite gender?
62%I hate the worship of the us military
67%Is this a fair nitpick?
81%I hate small talk
100%Nothing really makes my heart angry except little problems with technology
64%IIN to hate it when people hum
90%I work better when i'm depressed
NewAm i too attached to this part of my life?
NewI wish my mother would shut the fuck up
56%IIN i can't figure out my driving dilemma?
88%Breaking up do to this consistant problem?
NewDo people take this site to seriously, or not serious enough?
I want to provoke