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NewWriting style or bad writing?
NewAre you a user of the oxford comma?
67%The greatest empire ever?
100%Whats the dumbest
57%Am i stupid
NewRecommend other forums
63%Is it normal to add my professor’s daughter as a friend on facebook?
NewI get high by snorting cheetoh dust
Parents don’t let their kids watch real cartoons?
NewPeople who would receive honorary degrees should pay honorary tuition
100%IIN for adult to read goosebumps?
75%Is it normal to hate school and feel unmotivated all the time?
I'm looking for a word?
67%Ms gorrila glue
50%Hola me bebebebe
83%Question for the old heads
100%What would u do
67%IIN i loved school
33%Fuckin q chic
100%Should i pay off my student loan in full?
100%Programming with dyscalculia
50%How do you determine your favorites? like numbers, shapes, food, etc
NewDid anyone notice that
NewExplain to this
88%Is it normal to study abroad when you're 30?
50%IIN for a kid to be like this?
86%IIN to not pay attention at school
83%Young'ns sold a lie
50%How the fuck do you americans know where cardinal points are?
92%Down-syndrome and be smart?