Drugs & Alcohol
Newest Posts in Drugs & Alcohol
67%Drinking just to get drunk
NewDream chic
I drink whisky with cola in a can and i still drink wine
NewTo the binge drinker and the alcoholic who is definetly not an alcoholic
33%If you could afford it
The need to have coffee with wine
NewDrinking wine and still having the skillset to learn stuff on a video
NewWhat is a hangover like
50%Drinking triggered depression
NewI'm not shitposting - you are
70%Ever love popping a pimple
50%When a dude dont got nothing to do with his kids
14%When i was my fittest
50%Usa dont get enough credit
10%I drank a few beers
New'wine' after adding sugar to liter of juice shake it, add yeast and shake?
20%Ever take gabapentin?
NewThe elephant in the room
NewDoes alcohol taste better or worse to you the more you drink?
100%Is it normal to think this is the reason marijuana is illegal?
At what level of alcohol consumption is one a real alcoholic?
75%Alcohol just makes me sick now
88%Gettinf old sucks
33%Worst date experiences
40%I lovec hildrens bar?
NewWould you do this?
50%Vaping delta 8 'birthday cake' love it, but?
100%IIN to not feel drunk after drinking alcohol?
67%I'm legit concerned about my friend's mental health
50%Wearing my boots to bar