Food & Drink
Newest Posts in Food & Drink
Normal people eat these foods & sweetmeats and drink these drinks
It's ok to use your mobile cooking apps for recipes
Can you guesstimate how many calories this is?
NewIs it normal to want to throw food at strangers
NewShould i eat cereal for lunch
How many different types of rye bread are there?
I have a sneaking suspicion that buying national foods & drinks is normal
40%Jif peanutbutter it only here in indiana?
NewWhat is your “go-to” or favorite “non-alcoholic drink?
NewI eat popcorn seasoning by itself
NewWhat’s your favorite taste?
NewHow to show interest best when dating?
NewCast iron pan starting to show silver metal
NewMsg addiction
50%Is it normal to eat while watching porn?
NewUmami is not a taste
NewWhat’s your favorite taste?
36%I bath like a billionaire
33%Umami addiction
100%Is it normal that i can only drink cold water?
67%IIN i dry age all my meat
54%I don't really like chinese food that much
You can't compare oriental noodles with an enchilada
77%IIN since i started drinking water i dont like soda much
45%What kinds'a beer you drank?
NewPop? soda? or coke? or soda pop?
100%Smell changes after covid?
50%Is it normal that some junk foods triggers my emotional eating?
70%IIN i think all kinds of coffee taste identical
83%IIN to think popeye's is overrated?