Food & Drink
Newest Posts in Food & Drink
What kind of sauce or seasoning do you eat with your meats?
67%IIN to be skinny and dont like eating with others
NewIIN that my girlfriend's a mustard freak?
NewDo you diet
38%Is it normal to blow on something cold like it was hot?
43%I think a hot dog is a taco
NewHas anyone ever dipped a tomato in ketchup?
NewHow many burgers can you eat in one sitting?
NewPizza is a sandwich
NewWhat liquid do you dunk your cookies or biscuits in before eating them?
What is the worst food ever made?
NewDo you use milk or water for your hot chocolate?
NewIs ketchup a smoothie?
Why is the human body not meant to consume beef and milk?
NewHow many holes does a straw have: one or two?
NewJapanese food doesn’t require skill
100%IIN i call strawberry milk liquid pink ?
67%What's the difference between a muffin and a cupcake?
I need my daily grind of turkish-style coffee every morning
83%Whatever ever happened to charley.m?
90%Is it normal to get a runny nose when you eat spicy food?
14%IIN to only eat food that expired
NewDont try to be a hero. be honest
NewIs it normal to gag when you eat yogurt?
Cooking vegetarian goodness
71%I don't hate bacon, but chicken is healthier and i like it .
Not worrying about what one eats and what one drinks
NewJust to let yall know
You know an old fool from a creole land is making an old recipe of chilli
NewIf it's anywhere i wanna go, it's a fancy restaurant