Newest Posts in Friends
25%A close friend i'm quite concerned about
Is it weird to be affectionate with your friends?
NewHow should i behave in such situation?
50%Is it normal that my questions annoys my friend?
93%IIN to have days where you don't want to talk to anyone
33%Does a bully gather anything from a delusional 'victim'?
NewAm i hostile?
NewGood friend? bad friend? or neutral friend? which are you?
Is this the right thing to do?
100%Friend wants to give me power of attorney- i don’t want it
33%Is it normal to forget the names of your friends?
NewWho is your “tallest” acquaintance? and what’s their height?
NewShould i ask my friend if he still has feelings for me
How does an addict meet loyal friend addicts?
50%I don’t want to go to my friend’s baby shower
88%Is it normal to travel a lot at age 36?
100%My roommate always tries to talk about irrelevant stuff
50%Would you date someone 14 years older than you?
NewIs it normal to hold grudges over “eye contact”?
17%How do i become socially invincible and never ever fail?
15%Can i get friends and girlfriends if i deal substances free of charge?
100%My best friend's brothers annoy me. is it normal?
71%I’m tired of nobody paying me back or taking forever to
My friends purposely left me out of their party
100%Is it awkward when you see edited images of peoples selfies with others?
100%Is it normal to get annoyed by this?
NewDo straight guys hangout naked?
50%Am i the one at fault here?
Am i a joke to you
25%Can be nice but usually a bitch. why?