Newest Posts in Habits
31%Is it normal that i'm obsessed with urine?
10%Is it normal for me to put clear nail polish on my lips?
67%Is it normal to enjoy having your nipples twisted?
36%Is it normal to scratch and sniff my toes?
54%Is it normal that i hate drying off with a towel??
45%Is it normal to be fake.
NewHow much do you litter?
14%Is it normal to scratch your penis against a thornbush?
13%Is it normal to suck out a fart then burp it out?
44%Is it normal to be an ebay addict
63%Is it normal to spit my gum on a sidewalk if nobody is around to see?
44%Is it normal to mimic people on purpose?
81%Farting while coughing...
75%Is it normal to sing in the rain?
92%Is it normal that whenever i read out loud, i stop paying attention?
64%IIN when i see a small furry animal,espically cats i get hyper?
93%Is it normal that i procrastinate a lot?
41%IIN that my head shakes when trying to drink from a cup in public
30%Is it normal that i like the smell of poop in my hands?
NewIf you bump into something and it hurts, do you swear?
NewIn the morning do you prefer sun shining in, or close the blinds?
76%Is it normal to pluck pubic hair
80%Is it normal to want a girl to put hand on mouth?
17%Is it normal that i like to take dumps in the shower?
14%Is it normal my son goes out
NewDo you pick your nose?
29%IIN i put everything in my mouth
83%Is it normal to need to do this manually?
25%Is it normal that i pray to satan every night
76%Is it normal to have this happen...