Newest Posts in Hobbies
NewBook shopping irritate anyone else?
31%IIN that i save computers or laptops people throw away?
100%IIN that i enjoy books for teens more than i enjoyed books made for adults?
NewYou voted for trump or biden ?
75%I have a hard time finding long term hobbies and interests
33%Is it normal for me to be incredibly, unhealthily gay?
67%IIN to dream about building a tank
42%IIN that i like antagonising those religious preachers with satanism?
58%Poll: would you like to have an opportunity to change your usernames?
43%Giving foreign money to homeless people
44%I disdain fellow men who take patriarchy too far
18%Stalking people
78%To me, reading a book is a huge achievement
97%Is it normal to climb up trees?
15%How much would to pay for the opportunity
31%I stick my tongue out when i yawn
76%Is it weird to rescue and fix up an abandoned stuffed animal?
100%What are some hobbies people do or wish they did?
24%Asking fat women if they’re pregnant
56%Is it normal to like shooting milk at people?
78%IIN to dissect a dead fish?
NewWho likes biden/ kamala harris for 2020
50%Is it normal for me to like to see pictures of women tied and gagged?
48%I am a magical princess
34%Is it normal that i'm a furry?
20%I wish i lived in a tall building, anyone who does?
95%Is it normal to feel sad because my boyfriend knocked me down?
What was the closest near death experience you ever had?
29%Eyelid removal?
NewWhat is your opinion on furries?