Newest Posts in Habits
58%Is it normal how i say herb?
46%Is it normal that i've assigned genders and personalities to numbers?
69%IIN to like the dents in my skin when things push against it too long?
74%Is it normal to have to get up and stop trying to be normal?
62%Is it normal that i don't lie?
61%Is it normal that i brush my hair across my face and lips when talking
56%Is it normal to lie about trivial things everyday
78%Is it normal to lie about something when you didn't really need to?
56%Is it normal that i like to wear thongs?
48%Is it normal that i like the smell of my own feet?
87%Is it normal that i dont care to make my bed?
NewAre you soft-spoken?
78%Is it normal to wake up so early on weekends ?
73%Is it normal for me to shave only my lower leg hair?
60%Is it normal that i play with my ass?
47%Is it normal to hate saying your welcome
85%Is it normal that i stage conversations with myself
43%Is it normal for females to wipe...?
89%Is it normal i jerk off every time i shower?
NewHow much do you donate to charity each year
NewHow do you hang your toilet paper?
84%Is it normal that i hate wearing clothes and love being naked?
78%IIN i am on the computer if i'm not doing anything 'productive'
51%Is it normal to play abuse the trust of sleeping friends?
23%Is it normal that i obsessively count letters?
91%Is it normal to feel my own boobs?
90%Is it weird that i create stories in my head?
NewAre you self concious about peeing noise?
73%Is it normal to write/draw in the bath?
82%Is it normal that i snuggle my covers?