Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
67%Isn’t it annoying that some commercials have a babe with an english accent?
NewIf you were the victim of this prank, what would be the better option?
14%IIN that i fucking hate cats?
What's the pettiest thing you have/would end a friendship over?
92%IIN that cats have free range?
37%Is it normal to not flush the toilet?
33%How the hell did joe become president?
The dominating aspects of life
63%IIN that i don't like motorcycles?
NewAnyone else hate loud breathers
100%Shoes on the sofa annoy me. iin
71%I hate shushing/"shhhh"
83%IIN to get annoyed quotation marks facing the same direction like ”this”
Dog keeps pooping on my welcome mat?
29%Fuck those newbies they just wouldn’t gtfo
100%Is it normal to hate the sound of people sucking bones of wings?
71%IIN i don't like doctors?
80%My friend and her mother both lose their shit when there is a bug around
20%How do you get adults to behave
67%Messy, roommates, children, adults, cleaning, annoying
22%IIN he wont add me on facebook
100%I hate anti bullying and mental health groups
75%Asking someone out but not staying in touch
88%IIN to squeeze my tits/pecs?
I picked up a whitetail spider with a tea-towel
93%IIN to hate it when people eat inside of my car?
44%Roommate spends over an hour in washroom every day
NewSchool mums driving on our grass
38%Men watching disney movies
33%Is it normal to do this to my pet?