Newest Posts in Work
23%IIN co-worker rubs up against me quite a bit? (possible sexual harassment)
Can i cram revise using textb, vids and past papers?
93%I can't work for the education system anymore
80%If i'm mistreated, and speak up in my defense?
NewDo you like your job?
86%Each of my co-workers thinks the world revolves around them, iin?
90%Co-worker jealousy
67%IIN for my quirks to bother people
Should i have a resume for my first job?
NewWould you rather make minimum wage or be unemployed?
94%To hate being a high school teacher?
NewShort of instant memory
86%IIN that it's so hard to apply for shite jobs?
NewPretending to go to work?
75%IIN to feel constantly torn between lifestyles?
91%Volunteering isn't rewarding
NewIIN that jeffery apologized and said he had feelings for me?
26%IIN that i'm scared of this guy at my job?
23%Is it normal for a employer....
100%IIN that i don't want to work a traditional job?
75%Is it normal wanting to save sexy pics but being afraid to be caught?
63%Is it normal that i choose to give up my personal life for my career?
50%IIN to quit your study for 925$ monthly
47%Is it normal to still be living with my parents at 25
83%I need stress to get anything done, iin
NewIs it normal to jerk off to dissecting virtual sharks
64%Is it normal that my female boss farts and burps in public
86%Mail carrier
100%Family and friends discourage you from trying new career
NewIIN to worry my stepdaughter will poison people with her food