Newest Posts in Expeditions
50%How to be as alpha as jock willinks
71%Truck broke down so i went to the airport and flew to another state
22%I invested $20,000 in dogecoin at .70
78%70,000 crowd in a sporting event
80%Top iin posts
NewAppalachians or rocky mountains
50%What is a pepperridge farm
100%IIN for ups to do this
I live a hectic lifestyle
60%Everything is cultural appropiation
Rushing to the shops shopping for mundane items
NewAre you on reddit?
NewWhich continent do you live on?
Happy easter
NewIIN that social welfare is not something that exists
90%Where is my usb cord?
31%Gun laws out of the usa
88%I prepare for everything
88%I want to get a motorcycle and just go away
67%Recommend me some books
86%IIN that i expect a civil war in 2021
How should i plan to change jobs?
NewAnyone invest in bitcoin?
I know it's normal to do these things
83%IIN that i think about going to akihabra one day?
100%IIN that my feet get blisters after hours of walking and walking back?
What place do you never want to visit?
27%IIN for my hotel room to overwhelmingly smell like uncooked ramen?
If you had to flee your country, where would you choose to live?
NewWhich of these world class cities do you think would be the best fit?