Newest Posts in Fears
57%IIN i feel like i have to be courageous for everybody else?
IIN that i want my teacher to come to a councilor with me
50%Bedposts and antennas caused me a lack of sleep growing up
77%I'm kind of afraid of hipsters
NewIs it normal to be physically terrified of human nails?
NewIs this a normal thing about doors?
89%IIN that flying scares the hell outta me?
18%Ummm..what to do with somebody like this
NewIs the world as we know it doomed?
80%IIN to yell out "careful" to oblivious women on smart phones?
60%I'm afraid of getting spaghetti bolognese in my hair
57%Fear of stepping on dropped bandaids and needles
30%IIN that i hate paper napkins and towels?
88%Is it normal to have a deathly fear of blood clots
43%IIN to have a serious fear of ghosts
Why are people afraid of clowns?
Is it normal that i’m 19 yo, and terrified of sleeping in the dark?
10%IIN i'm afraid to break up with my boyfriend?
What is your worst fear?
50%Is it normal that i feel nauseous whenever i go out with my friends
24%I'm sexually attracted to people i hate
44%I found in my house a statue of a bird with red spots too clear to be blood
33%IIN i think like this?
100%Is it normal to feel like i'll be alone once i grow up?
88%I am worried
NewCollect jars of poo floating in pee
100%IIN these types of thoughts have been driving me crazy lately?
NewIIN that i am afraid of my own penis?
NewIs it normal to be afraid of blueberries?
65%Is it normal to fear trans people?