Newest Posts in Friends
I am in love with my friend and it's killing me inside
82%Is it normal i have no friends?
I wrecked a friendship and now i'm hurt
NewConfronting ex best friend and his mother 3 months from today
36%Is it normal or ok to ask someone their gender if you can’t tell?
29%I have a codependent friend
67%Is it normal i hate my old friends?
58%IIN she walked in on me and is now sad?
20%Bad person?
40%IIN that i like to have "toxic" friends rather than nice ones?
15%IIN my husband doesnt want me to be friends with a transgender person?
My friend normal
73%IIN i don’t think i’ll ever get past him leaving?
NewDo you have more enemies online or in person?
84%Is it normal that noone wants to be friends with me?
80%IIN talking to older people makes me feel younger
70%She held grudge against me even tho i was the hurt one, iin?
67%Is it normal that i hate my uni mates
47%Is it creepy to want to do this
NewFirst date and guns
89%I blocked my toxic friend on everything
My friends a virgin
20%Tattle on your best friend
46%Is it normal to be afraid of my coworker
30%IIN to have imaginary friends as a teenager?
NewI have no friends
Where are you connie porter ? i am looking for you..
I'm feels lonely and don't have friends
75%Friend is making me feel bad about
NewMy friend is all about himself and never wants to do anything i want?