Newest Posts in Habits
29%Is it normal that i walk around the house all day slapping my crotch?
50%Is it normal to pick scabs and eat them?
82%Is it normal that i always stare at boobs?
57%Is it normal i like to rub things between my toes and fingers
NewFingernail chewing
53%Is it normal that i like to smell my own ass?
NewIs it normal that i am so kinky
NewExcitement episodes consist of tensing up, shaking and holding breath
62%Is it normal that i act dumb when i'm not?
NewHow normal is my ocd?
NewDo you pee in the shower?
92%Is it normal to pretend i'm singing my favorite song on stage?
67%Is it normal to whistle offkey
48%Is it normal that i always poop naked
36%Is it normal that i always do a "poop dance"
72%Is it normal to never stop laughing?
100%Is it normal to watch porn everyday
48%Is it normal to poop in the shower when i have diarrhea?
73%Is it normal to have to always be doing something?
91%Is it normal for a male to get exercise in the late afternoon?
53%Is it normal that i rub my knuckle?
79%Is it normal that i have to lock the bathroom door all the time?
67%Is it normal to speak faster on the phone than face to face?
81%Is it normal to wipe dust off of things with your fingers?
35%Is it normal that i like collecting paper?
41%Is it normal that i like to play with women's lingerie?
40%Is it normal that i pick the skin off my fingers/hands?
66%Is it normal that i touch each of my fingertips with my thumb a lot?
70%Is it normal if i stop my vices, i feel like i am wasting my life?
42%Is it normal to be so picky about the way i eat?