Newest Posts in Habits
86%IIN for guys to have their hands in pockets?
48%I cut myself
38%Over eating?
21%IIN that i like eating my own blood?
55%Is it normal that i give myself hickies
62%IIN to be white and talk in ebonics?
52%Is it normal i always clip my nails?
46%Is it normal that i always get hiccups around my boyfriend
97%I'm on a self-information quest. i'm always researching something.
12%I like to scratch my foot until it bleeds
80%Is it normal i sleep with my phone
NewIs it normal i cut off the bottom of my feet?
33%IIN that my coworker has a runny nose & sucks on lollypop during calls
NewIs it normal that i can go a month without pooping?
75%is it normal to put clothespins in my nipples?
31%Is it normal to talk to multiple voices in your head?
31%IIN to snap with my index finger and my middle finger?
38%IIN to write down the evil things people have done to you?
NewLearning by being thrown in the deep end?
NewWhats the weirdest thing you put in your fridge?
88%Inn to read your own emails from the past?
18%Inn to fondle your dog's genitals?
NewIIN that i lick my own poop with the tip of my tongue?
82%IIN to eat a sandwich in a circle?
36%IIN that i play with bottle caps in my mouth a certain way?
44%It is normal to touch my nipples more than 20 times per day?
NewIs it weird i fold paper into sharp points and run it across...
72%IIN to not say what i mean?
36%IIN to eat cheese toast like this?
24%It's normal to me but .........