Newest Posts in Health
NewIIN to have a fractured l4 in your back
33%I got a yellow/green liquid in a thumb toe
27%Is it normal that i wipe my butt forward
10%Is it normal that i never get bruises?
13%Doctor refuses to write more blood pressure pills, my blood pressure high
Is sildenafil a blood thinner?
NewHas anyone heard of this?
When i was about 8 years old, i didn't really have an appetite?
NewLose muscle control after peeing
NewLicking my gf's open vaginal sores
29%IIN i was running on a trail and
NewGive me your best fridge soup recipes
60%Is it normal that i love being sedated?
40%Sad lamp makes me obsessive?
31%Is it normal? gp said 'find a male doctor who is more sympathetic'?
100%From k-12 i almost never ate tuck-shop at school and i'm thankful for it
75%Urge to urinate within an hour of drinking some water?
38%If u fall on ur baby will it die
60%Is it normal to gain and lose muscle so fast?
Is it normal that my penis can't heal?
57%Just a normal college student?(tired all day)
Does foreskin have any actual medical benefits?
30%Is it normal to be completely naked during a physical exam?
42%Armpits smell like ramen noodles?
32%I have severe ptsd
Is liquid diets ok
93%IIN that i daydream constantly about fictional worlds ?
NewI can't see on my left eyes only right + i can see dots + it's darkness
13%Penis size shrink
50%I haven't cried in at least 15 years