Newest Posts in Hobbies
76%IIN i cant stop thinking about licking my moms feet
NewDo you prefer theme parks or water parks?
72%Is it normal that i'm an asshole on this site on purpose?
45%Is it normal to make so many jokes
NewIs it normal to enjoy looking at grotesque and disgusting pictures?
85%I'm a 19 year old girl and still love pokemon. iiin?
67%Is it normal i pretend i'm a shark?
NewHave you ever created a funny joke?
45%Is it normal that i read "kodomo no jikan"?
56%Is it normal to target a person's sensitive parts while wrestling?
14%Is it normal to want to lick an iced fart?
83%Is it normal that i tap dance?
92%Is it normal to like being home at evening just lounging around
NewDo you speak this language?
91%Is it normal to write out elaborate sexual fantasies?
69%Is it normal to be addicted to porn?
83%Is it normal that i steal my bestfriend's sister's panties?
NewIs it normal that i totally prefer isitnormal.com to facebook?
15%Is it normal to belong to this group?
64%Is it normal to not enjoy having a thumb jammed up your ass?
NewWhy did you sign up to is it normal?
50%Is it normal that i photocopy my ass?
NewDo you purposely annoy people clandestinely?
54%Is it normal to have virtual multiple personalities ?
59%Do you check iin.com just for the random poll on the front page?
NewIsitnormal.com royalty?
NewWho is best of the following
92%Is it normal for a girl to play gta?
NewWhich video game is best of the following
NewDo you like sudoku ?