Newest Posts in Hobbies
54%Is it normal i pretend i'm harry potter?
NewDo you knit or crochet?
70%I used to hate trolls... now i am a troll, and it's fun!
93%Is it normal to read to run from life?
79%Is it normal to want to slingshot mm's at the building opposite ?
29%Is it normal that i dance with my freezer with techno music?
25%Is it normal that i use my own poop to fertilize my plants?
86%Is it normal to want to be a hero
88%Is it normal that i'm willing to do this even though i am an athiest?
NewGirls: do you play videogames?
NewDo you like astronomy?
33%I like sliding balls-first into random targets to leave a mark.
88%Is it normal i crossdress
67%Is it normal that i want to know this!?
16%Is it normal to pretend your kanye west ?
65%Is it normal to be extremely picky when naming things?
73%Is it normal that sometimes i dont want to do anything.
49%Is it normal that i howl...?
NewHow often do you use ebay?
75%Watching women put on makeup
78%Super powers if you could have them what powers would you have?
NewWhy do you check this site?
80%Is it normal i want to join an outlaw motorcycle club really badly....
53%Is it normal to fart right in a stranger's face in a public library?
72%Is it normal to read the obituries?
87%Is it normal to read books in the bathtub?
25%Is it normal to kill kritters this way?
84%Is it normal i love people watching?
NewTents vs rvs(motor homes)
69%Is it normal to still get on neopets?