Pet Peeves
Newest Posts in Pet Peeves
NewPeople who email the whole class when they need something are annoying
79%Am i the only who hate "nice" people?
Angry at the sounds of chewing?
93%IIN i don’t like sand?
How do puppets reproduce?
23%IIN i don’t like ukraine?
19%Is it normal that i hate ireland because it has no penguins?
33%IIN that i can’t stand canadians
71%Is it normal for people to see you as a loser?
69%My husband plays tooo much video games
100%IIN to get pissed when people take too long to get ready?
45%Is it normal to absolutely hate the sound of men peeing?
94%IIN that i find this error in speech annoying?
Untied shoelaces
83%Is is normal to be disgusted by farts?
86%Is it normal to act like this?
I hate the sound of people brushing their teeth
NewIs it normal my mom doesn’t let me be active b/c of my chest
83%IIN to get genuinely angry when someone smells bad?
41%IIN my black employees always be "shucking and jiving"
50%Is it normal to be bothered by this?
46%I hate listening to other people in public speaking different languages
100%Is it normal to get annoyed by the sidewalk shuffle?
64%I can't stand it when people leave a partially full glass beside the sink
71%Is it normal behavior for a dog to bark in a corner
88%Is it my imagination, or have people become more stupid through the years?
65%I hate my wife
78%Is it normal to be tired of going on about my rape?(venting.)
11%IIN neighbour's call the cops on us about everything?
My friend thinks he is funny