Spirituality & Beliefs
Newest Posts in Spirituality & Beliefs
Is it normal to see glowing red eyes that look like they want you to die?
59%Is it normal to be embarrassed about my religion?
52%Trump, bernie sanders, 2020
What is your stance on “death penalty”?
NewJust a random question .
NewDream of being a figure of importance during the revelations
38%Is it normal to finally realise that man should be non-christians?
The life of jesus
21%Inn to believe that the meaning of life is to be rich and successful?
78%Physics making me believe god might exist
24%Is it normal that i've had 6 ghost encounters?
53%IIN i believe witchcraft made my life better
NewPick one from below
33%IIN to see own personal desires is a priority over everything else?
50%Is it normal to stand up for what you believe in exactly always & not stop?
NewWho's voting for trump or which d candidate?
41%Are demons real?
28%Is it normal to think black people dont exist?
Knowledge is powerful
75%India, sex / pregnancy before marriage is this bad?
70%Atheist but wouldn't recommend it? iin?
NewIsitnormal to think everyone is depressed, or am i normalising depression?
NewDo you believe jesus was a real person?
NewDo christian believers often fail to learn what "evolution" is?
Why is jesus more special than others who have suffered
Do you guys believe in the law of attraction?
77%Why do black people still act like we owe them something for slavery?
Is it normal that my boyfriend thinks premarital sex is serious?
44%Is it true that muslim males can't wear red cloths
23%Is it normal that deep down i feel and act as a wolf?