Dreams & Sleep
Newest Posts in Dreams & Sleep
Current world problems invade my dreams
16%Is this normal sleep behavior?
92%Is it normal that i dreamt that my virginity was sold
80%Is it normal to have a 3 day dream?
67%IIN my foot feels funny?
75%IIN to feel like life is a dream?
85%To know that it's a dream while you're dreaming
No matter what i sweat in my sleep
I was being chased and became paralysed..
86%Is t normal to have terrifyingly weird dreams?
50%IIN that behind my ear jolts before i sleep?
40%This is a werid dream that i have had for the past six years
NewSo i heard this
91%What does this mean
NewDo you believe police officers should chase suspects?
93%Is it normal that i make up stories in my head?
100%Is it normal that i make up stories in my head?
63%IIN i dream i'm in a video game?
25%I woke up with blood on my hands
NewSince we hear about women that dream or wonder
91%Is it normal that certain dreams make me wake up depressed?
81%Is it normal that i hear voices just before falling asleep?
100%Is it normal to dream in another language?
86%My first kiss
74%I slept for 14 hours straight
88%Is it normal to be running in your dream, like jogging?
53%Is it normal that i don't sleep
43%I have dreams of being in the life of dictators
I want some tips on how to lucid dream
58%Is it normal that for the past 5 months ive had sexual dreams about my mom?