Dreams & Sleep
Newest Posts in Dreams & Sleep
34%Dreams about war and fighting
56%Is it normal to dream about being a woman when i am a man?
53%What does this dream mean?
86%IIN to do this in the morning?
97%Is it normal to want to be someone else?
39%Is it normal that i had a dream where i tried to kill myself?
91%Is it normal to think about the fact that the human race will end
66%Is it normal for a ten year old boy to be sleeping scared and has dad
74%Is it normal to have dreams of the future
NewIs it normal i sleep with a blood pillow?
80%Is it normal to have a dream about me masturbating to my naked cousin?
71%Is it normal to die in your dreams.
51%Why do i always pretend that there is someone else there?
64%Is it normal that my dream continues where it left off
48%I might be psychic
70%Exciting dream.
35%I like rubbing my purgina on the bus, leaving a wet spot iin?
79%Is it normal that i rub my foot on my bed
33%Is is normal that i think norway was founded by finns?
11%I need him to get a good night's rest.
83%I had a dream that my wife divorced me.
51%Inn that i act out my dreams on accident
22%I keep dreaming about my roommate choking on his puke at night
63%Here's a weird dream.
73%A dream with the blonde girl
69%Having strange nightmares of a crush.
69%IIN to have nightmares about virtual reality?
74%Sometimes i wish i could never wake up
78%Im a girl and had a male on male dream is it normal?