Newest Posts in Habits
79%Is it normal that i rub tags
27%Is it normal that i put my car's passenger sun visor down?
64%Is it normal that i can suck on my own dick and like it?
36%Is it normal that i finger my ass while defecating?
79%Should i be shaven/waxed/hairy
82%Is it normal to constantly bite off loose skin inside of your mouth?
NewHow often do you fart?
71%Is it normal to lick my lips all the time?
86%Is it normal that i like to watch my self poop?
58%Is it normal that i like to dance in bed?
94%Is it normal for a straight guy to watch gay porn?
92%Is it normal that i like to drive to get rid of stress?
65%Is it normal that when i kick my toe, i always seem to kick again?
77%Washing hands after smoking?
18%Isn't normal to enjoy hitting myself?
82%Is it normal to obsessively feel the bumps on your skin?
84%IIN to say hmm outloud when u see/read/think of something interesting?
74%Is it normal to put the toilet lid down before flushing?
24%Is it normal that my fingers feel better when they're taped up?
52%Is it normal to have your webcam on just so you can stare at yourself?
50%Is it normal to eat ur own plaque?
NewDo women really act like this?
40%IIN to obsessively run my fingers along/in creases and folds?
79%Is it normal that pulling off scabs feels amazing?
82%Is it normal to stack empty booze cups when your drunk?
14%Is it normal i have to count to eight everytime the phone rings
52%Is it normal to always drop things and fall over?
75%Is it normal to "enjoy" having a bowel movement?
88%Is it normal that i carpet burn my toes to itch them?
76%Is it normal to check yourself out everytime you see your reflection?