Newest Posts in Habits
94%IIN to remove my earbuds to make sure no one else can hear my music?
94%Is it normal that when im bored, i will eat a lot
75%Is it normal to do only half?
82%Is it normal to talk to yourself?
66%Is it normal that i still pretend...
67%Is it normal that i smell my fingers each time i put in my ass?
41%Is it normal that my cuticles itch?
73%IIN to have an obsession with picking!!!
69%Is it normal that i like to rub corners on my finger?
49%Is it normal i always brush my teeth while standing on one foot?
54%Is it normal to like this???
61%Is it normal if i keep lists of everything
93%Always nude at home
60%Is it normal to pull your pants down to pee when your a guy?
33%I scratch my face, is it normal?
92%Is it normal to not drink/do drugs/have sex and be an atheist?
58%Is it normal to talk to inanimate objects?
49%Is it normal that i eat my dead skin?
39%Is it normal that i crave eating vaporub?
89%Is it normal to take of your socks in bed?
50%IIN to imitate the stereotype of a gay as a joke.. but not be gay?
27%Is it normal that i bite things?
50%Is it normal to eat dinner while take a dump on the toilet?
100%Is it normal to like the smell of my balls?
50%Is it normal to lift weights without wearing underwear?
49%Is it normal that i whispher "commands" to myself
92%Is this normal that i like the dark and nighttime?
60%Strange imaginations
30%I wet myself... on purpose
44%Is it normal for a rational person to pass in a brain test?