Newest Posts in Habits
58%Chewing on a toothpick
68%IIN that i'm obsessed with massaging my breasts?
84%IIN to make an "aah~" sound after sipping a drink?
16%Is it normal to cut your acne off with a knife?
76%Is it normal to fiddle with soft cloth with your fingers?
55%IIN to have conversations with yourself using snapchat?
29%Is it normal i don't talk to my family and friends
56%My hobby is water conservation. iin?
72%Is it normal to constantly harmonize humming with your microwave?
64%Is it normal to depress yoursef?
59%How to stop my nagetive toughts on me
80%IIN i live with roommates and always in my room
37%Is it normal to eat the inside of my cheeks and like pain in my mouth?
NewIIN i eat memory foam?
74%Is it normal for dudes to fart in front of their dude friends?
13%IIN i like to shit in the shower
26%IIN i'm all backed up because of an action figure i jammed up there
91%Is it normal to pee in the shower?
76%Is it normal to look at pictures of people i really miss all the time?
49%Is it normal that i vote without even thinking
92%IIN that i can't tell whether i'm any good at writing?
74%I squeeze instead of shake to get the last droplets out, iin?
34%I fall asleep with wifes feet on mouth
73%Rocking back and forth
24%Licking my feces
73%To not know how to talk to women anymore?
45%IIN it's impossible for me to pee in bed?
80%IIN burping is fine, but don't dare fart near me.
44%Iin, i'm a girl but think i'm a guy?
52%Is it normal to eat some foods only in a certain way?